Sabtu, 30 November 2019

Mobygames (99)

F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon Windows Front Cover  F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon Windows Back Cover

 F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon is a horror first person shooter (FPS) that resembles a cross between Doom 3, Half-Life, and the Ring horror movies. Demons are replaced by cloned soldiers and the element of horror revolves around an image of a spectral girl always appearing when least expected for a few fleeting moments.

The player sets out as a member of a specialized strike force dealing with unknown threats. Initially, the player starts with mundane weapons, which are well presented, and progress gradually towards more sci-fi ones as the danger increases. The player can also call upon a bullet-time ability which slows down time around the player and is realised with impressive visual and aural effects by the game engine.

The game takes place in a certain multi-billion aerospace installation which has been hijacked by an elite team of cloned soldiers gone rogue and an unknown supernatural force (which is likely controlling or affecting them in some way). Both threats must be identified and countered.

F.E.A.R 2 Project origin
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Windows Front Cover F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Windows Back Cover

 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is the sequel to F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon and continues the series' trademark blend of supernatural horror and suspense. Many mechanics from the original first-person shooter have made their way into the game, like slow motion bullet time, and intelligent AI. New gameplay elements have also been introduced, like grab and drag movable cover, combat mechs, and iron sight aiming. The environments are now more open and less linear than those in the first game, and are also more diverse.

Point-Man, the protagonist of the first F.E.A.R. has been replaced by a new playable character, Michael Becket, a Delta Force operator who has been sent on a mission to arrest Armacham president Genevieve Aristide approximately 30 minutes before the ending of the first game. Alma, the strange little girl returns to give you scares and also assist you at some points.

The game only takes the original game into account and ignores all events from the expansion packs Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate.

Fear Effect
Fear Effect PlayStation Front Cover  Fear Effect PlayStation Back Cover

 It starts as a simple assignment for the three mercenaries - the beautiful, mysterious Hana, the former army officer Glas, and the ruthless killer Deke. Somewhere in the futuristic Hong-Kong, full of huge corporations, flying cars and helicopters, home for the famous Triad mafia, they have to find the young Wee Ming Lam, the daughter of a powerful gangster. But Hana and her partners don't suspect that the search for Wee Ming will lead them not only to very dangerous areas of Hong-Kong, but to outskirt villages infected by zombies, a dubious restaurant-brothel, and the Chinese hell, where they'll have to confront Yim Lau Wong himself - the Chinese equivalent of the Western Satan.

The gameplay of Fear Effect is similar to survival horror titles such as Resident Evil, but it also features many pure action elements and arcade-like sequences, where precise timing matters. The player controls Hana, Glas, or (in a few instances) Deke during different chapters of the story. Player characters can crouch, sneak on enemies, and roll forward or to the sides. There are many human as well as monster enemies to eliminate or avoid. Characters can run and shoot at the same time, as well as use two weapons at once to combat multiple enemies. A considerable portion of the gameplay is dedicated to puzzle-solving.

Instead of the traditional health bar characters have a "fear meter", which turns red and eventually kills the character whenever he or she is damaged or found in a particularly stressful situation. The functional difference between the fear meter and a regular health bar is the possibility to restore it to a normal green color by reducing the character's stress, e.g. solving a puzzle or killing an enemy in a stealthy way.

The game's 3D character models are unshaded, aiming to resemble cel-shading technique and anime art. The backgrounds are pre-rendered and often consist of streaming or looping full-motion video. The story unfolds through numerous pre-rendered movies.
Fear Effect 2 : Retro Helix 
 Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix PlayStation Front Cover Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix PlayStation Back Cover

The year is 2048, and a new terrifying disease known as EINDS (Environmentally Induced Nucleotides Degeneration Syndrome) is rapidly spreading, having already claimed over one billion victims. The disease attack directly the human cell DNA, and no cure is known. Crime flourishes, and scientists fear that the DNA manipulation may lead to unforeseen disasters that would eventually destroy mankind.

Four people with different pasts and motivations arrive in Hong-Kong. Hana Tsu-Vachel is a young woman of French and Chinese descent, who was once a member of the criminal Triad organization, and now takes high-risk assignments in order to buy back her contract. Royce Glas is a former commander in the US military and an ex-member of a secret organization, now a mercenary, persecuted by his former employers. Jacob "Deke" Decourt is a professional killer from Australia, whose life purpose is to enjoy his bloody work. Rain is a mysterious young woman, found by Hana during one of her missions, lying unconscious in a garden. The search for a cure against EINDS leads these people to exotic locations, where Chinese folk tales and ancient legends co-exist with our reality.

Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix is a prequel to Fear Effect, describing events that lead up to the beginning of the previous game. The gameplay is very similar to that of the predecessor, combining shooting, puzzles, and action set pieces. While the first game only featured a survival horror-style character-dependent control scheme, the prequel allows the player to switch to 3D camera-dependent controls. The game is more puzzle-oriented than the first Fear Effect, and contains more locations to explore. A few new weapons and items have been added.

The visual style of the preceding game is also present in this installment: the player navigates unshaded 3D anime-like character models over backgrounds, which are composed of pre-rendered images and looping or streaming full-motion video.

Felix the Cat
Felix the Cat NES Front Cover  Felix the Cat NES Back Cover

Felix The Cat is a platformer based on the famous cartoon character.

The Professor has kidnapped Kitty, Felix girlfriend, trying to exchange her for Felix' magic bag. Naturally, Felix is not going to let himself be blackmailed, and instead sets out to free Kitty.

There are four different types of levels.
  • Typical platforming levels in which Felix has to make his way to the exit while jumping about obstacles and chasms, killing enemies using different weapons.
  • Swimming levels in which Felix rides a float or on the back of a dolphin.
  • Levels that take place entirely under water.
  • Flying levels that put Felix in control of different flying devices, such as a plane, a hot-air balloon or an umbrella.

Throughout all levels, Felix can collect cat symbols to improve his weapons. After collecting a certain number of cat symbols, milk bottles or hearts will appear. Hearts improve Felix' current weapon. What types of weapon Felix can use, depends on what type of level he is in. There are lots of different weapons ranging from a boxing glove to motorcycles to tanks to spaceships. All weapons that are better than the standard weapon have an energy bar that diminishes over time and can be refilled by collecting milk bottles. Getting hit by an enemy decreases the level of Felix' current weapon. If he gets hit while carrying the standard weapon, he loses a life.

The Game Boy version plays virtually identically to the NES version, but features less levels.

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