Minggu, 24 November 2019

Mobygames (26)

Chester Cheetah :Too Cool to Fool
 Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool SNES Front Cover Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool SNES Back Cover

The game's hero is the Frito-Lay mascot, Chester the Cheetah. Chester leaves peacefully in a zoo with other animals, until the big brute Mean Eugene steals his beloved motor scooter. What's worse, without knowing how to handle the scooter, Mean Eugene broke it to pieces and threw them away. Now it's up to Cheetah to travel across the zoo and to retrieve parts of his scooter.

The game is composed of platform levels. On each level there is a hidden scooter part, which Chester has to recover before being able to exit the level. On the way there are various creatures that will try to eliminate Chester and obstacles to watch for. Chester can dash and stun enemies by jumping on their heads.

Chicken Run 
 Chicken Run PlayStation Front Cover Chicken Run PlayStation Back Cover
Tweedy's Farm is home to a bunch of chickens, who are falling behind on their work load (laying eggs). So Mrs Tweedy decides to go into a new business, Chicken Pie making. The chickens leader, Ginger, is in desperate need of a good escape plan, and when Rocky flys in from the US to lend them a hand, the gang decide that the only way out of the farm is to fly out. But of course, chickens can't fly!! So it is up to you to collect the pieces for the flying machine so you and your fellow chickens can escape. 

Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers : the Adventures in Nimnul Castle
Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers: The Adventures in Nimnul's Castle DOS Front Cover  Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers: The Adventures in Nimnul's Castle DOS Back Cover

Based on the famous animation series by Disney.

In the game the player controls Chip helped by Dale (automatically controlled by computer), who break through the obstacles made by one of their archvillains, Professor Norton Nimnul. The Rescue Rangers go through 9 levels to save the Monterey Jack caught by mouse-trap in Nimnul's castle.

On the first 3 levels, Rangers must get to Nimnul's castle jumping in and out of pits, avoiding the running dogs and falling acid drops thrown by Nimnul himself.

On the second 3 levels, Chip must avoid fire throws from candles, collect screws, and give them to Dale as he runs away from dogs.

On the third 3 levels, Chip must avoid the machine with hands, collect screws, and give them to Dale running away from dogs.

Between levels the animation is shown on how the player progresses in the game, such as, for example, Zipper transfer the screws collected by Rangers for the flying machine to repair it by Gadget. 

Choro Q
Choro Q PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Choro Q PlayStation 2 Back Cover

ChoroQ has been described by many people as a "CarPG" in that while you do partake in tons of arcadeish races against other super deformed cars (called ChoroQs in the game), you also drive around three different towns, talking to the ChoroQs and doing quests and mini games.

There's over 200 different body styles to unlock through the story mode (very few of them actually change the way your ChoroQ handles or performs; they're largely for show) and a wide range of parts you can buy to upgrade your car (either for performance or for looks).

The game supports two player split screen where you can import your ChoroQs from your own individual adventures and battle each other and also compete against each other in a wide range of minigames. 

Chris Kamara's Street Soccer
Chris Kamara's Street Soccer PlayStation Front Cover  Chris Kamara's Street Soccer PlayStation Back Cover

Chris Kamara's Street Soccer is a five-a-side soccer game.

It boasts twenty teams, a choice of pitch, and five game modes:
  • Exhibition: A single match where the player(s) select the sides
  • League: played with four, eight or sixteen teams
  • Cup Tournament: a four, eight or sixteen team knockout game
  • Time Attack: where the player wins if they score x goals within a time limit
  • Arcade: where there are power moves available
  • Penalty Shootout: here the game is decided by who scores the most penalties in a four shot shootout, if the game is tied then this will go to a sudden death mode.
Depending on the mode the player can alter the difficulty, the length of each half, and the strictness of the referee. There are twenty-five teams, five of which are locked at the start of the game. The teams are not licensed teams so the player selects a country's flag and gets a generic team, for example selecting Canada's flag brings up a Montreal team.
The game starts with a dropped ball and from then on plays as any soccer game. The game auto-selects the player nearest the ball as the active player and their movement is controlled by the left joystick, kicking is controlled by CROSS - holding down CROSS triggers a power bar which adds pace to the shot. When a goal is scored the game restarts from a goal kick, goal kicks and throw-outs are the only time the player controls the keeper as all saving, or otherwise, is automatic.
The game does have a commentary, it is not the flowing naturalistic commentary that is found in some games rather it is a set of standard phrases such as 'Hard Tackle!", "What a Scorcher!", "Good Shot!" and "Go On, Shoot!", that are triggered by in-game actions. As well as the standard phrases the game also has a couple of unexpected ones like "What The Heck!" and "Punch Him!".
Chris Sawyer Locomotion
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Windows Front Cover Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Windows Back Cover 
Locomotion is a cross between Chris Sawyer's RollerCoaster Tycoon series and Transport Tycoon. The game has the base concept taken from the 1994 Transport Tycoon and the graphics style and interface from RollerCoaster Tycoon.

After choosing one of 40 pre-made scenarios, or creating a new one, the goal is to complete the objective(s) of the scenario. These can vary and may include transporting a certain amount of goods or improving the company's rating. Completion of these goals is achieved by building transport networks using trains, trams, buses, trucks, ships and planes. Depending on the scenario, the game can start as early as 1900 and can continue well past the year of 2000. As time progresses, the number of available vehicles will grow due to technology improvements. Careful upgrades are advised, as depending on the route, new vehicles may cost more than they will bring profit. Like in RollerCoaster Tycoon, the player can play the scenario even after completing the objectives.

The size of the world, as well as the number and size of towns vary in each scenario. The scenarios are built around North America, United Kingdom and the Alps. While examining the landscape, the player must choose which transport method is the cheapest or fastest.

The player isn't alone in his endeavors, either. In most scenarios, one will need to compete against multiple computer players who will try to take business away from him. The player can choose many tactics to beat them, from increasing the number of vehicles assigned to a town or facility to placing blockades on competing company's railways. Also, the game has a multiplayer mode for two human players via TCP/IP or LAN. 
Chronicles of Narnia : the Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe GameCube Front CoverThe Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe GameCube Back Cover  
Experience the world of C.S Lewis and Andrew Adamson's book and film. Play as Susan, Edmund, Lucy and Peter from the film, and journey through the Professor's house, the forests of Narnia and escape the attack on London during World War II.

Depending on which level you're playing, you'll be able to play as at least two of the four children, although some levels require you to use all four. The four children all have different special abilities. Peter is the strongest of the bunch, so you can use him for fighting off enemies or breaking through barriers. Susan is a ranged fighter and she can throw arrows, tennis balls and snowballs. Edmund is a decent melee fighter who can climb trees and walk on ice without breaking it. Lucy has the ability to heal the other children, go through small spaces and stand on big snowballs and make them roll. During each level you can switch between characters at any time.

Scattered throughout the levels are coins, pink and green gems, and hidden shields that will give ratings at the end of the levels, ranging from fair to outstanding.

 Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian
 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian PlayStation 3 Front Cover The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian PlayStation 3 Back Cover

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is based off of the novel and movie of the same name, giving the player the opportunity to play as one of 20 different characters, including the four Pevensie children, Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter, as well as Prince Caspian.

The story takes place 1 Human year or 1,300 Narnian years after the first movie/game, where an evil king called King Miraz has begun to conquer the lands of Narnia and Prince Caspian has summoned the four Pevensie siblings in order to help Narnia and Aslan bring unity back to the lands.

Gameplay is similar to the first, basically hack-n-slash, moving through levels, battling enemies using each character's unique battling tactics. There are six chapters/levels in all, with puzzles scattered through the levels and special treasure chests that require certain amount of keys to open that will unlock special features such as artwork pictures among others associated with the film. There is also a level made exclusively for the game that was not in the film or in the novel.

The controls are system-dependent. While PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 uses the D-pad and analog and main buttons, the Wii utilizes the Wii-remote and the PC uses the mouse and keyboard. There is also two-player co-op gameplay that can have a human player drop-in during a game.
the Chronicles of Riddick : Escape From Butcher Bay
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Xbox Front Cover  The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Xbox Back Cover 
You are Richard B. Riddick, a convicted criminal with a record as long as War and Peace. You are the most wanted man in the known universe, and you have just been captured and arrested. You are being transported to Butcher Bay, a triple-maximum-security prison, the deadliest prison ever built. No one has ever escaped, and those who tried have been killed. Will you be the first?

As Riddick, you must find your way out of the prison and to safety. You begin in a cell, and soon, hell breaks out. You are left with nothing to defend yourself, so you must find a machine which will allow you to use guards weapons, otherwise you will be shocked, as they are DNA protected.

Throughout your adventure, you will explore the prison complex, caverns, mines, the triple-security area, and even the palace area, where all of the administration is housed.

To help you escape, you will have access to a small but deadly arsenal of weapons, such as a pistol and machine gun. There are a number of melee weapons available too, like a wrench or shiv (shard of glass).

You will have to take on several different enemies, from guards to prisoners to robotics to mutated humans, also called 'dwellers' who lives deep below under the prison.

Vin Diesel voices Riddick. The game is a prequel to the 1999 film Pitch Black, which first introduced Vin Diesel as Richard Riddick, the anti-hero.

the Chronicles of Riddick : Assault on Dark Athena
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Windows Front Cover  The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Windows Back Cover

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena includes two single player campaigns. One is a graphically enhanced version of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and the other, called Assault on Dark Athena, continues the story almost directly after the end of Escape from Butcher Bay with Richard B. Riddick and Johns in hibernation on board of a ship deep in space. A group of renegade mercenaries finds them and brings them on board of their giant ship called the Dark Athena where they transform people into mindless drones. Of course Johns is a too valuable target to transform so they plan to collect the bounty that is on his head after he freed Riddick from the prison. Riddick on the other hand - well he managed to evade capture and is now really pissed.

As in the first campaign, the player once again assumes the role of Riddick, controlling him a standard first person shooter fashion through the corridors of the ship. But Riddick isn't one who runs guns blazing through the enemies. Instead the dark is his friend. Hiding in the shadows he uses his special ability to see in the dark, sneak up on enemies and perform an instant melee kill with whatever weapon he has currently equipped. This not only applies to his melee weapons that range from his fists to the newly double-carved blades but called "Ulaks" but also to the bigger stuff he'll find on his journey like assault rifles, a mini-gun and such. If he hasn't a gun available, he can pick up a dead drone and use hers. At one point in the single player campaign he'll even take over the control of a full-blown mech to reek havoc on the ship as he did back in Escape from Butcher Bay. If an enemy manages to actually hit the player, Riddick can use NanoMED health units to replenish his health. Since these only have a limited amount of charges he can refill them with NanoMED Catridges scattered around the levels. The bigger NanoMED health units permanently increase his health. And on his way through the Dark Athena he also finds bounty cards, the equivalent of the cigarette packs Riddick collects in Escape from Butcher Bay, unlocking extra content like artworks or personal profiles.

Completely new to the game is the multiplayer mode allowing up to 12 players compete against each other in several game modes including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Arena. Butcher Bay Riot and Pitch Black. While the first three are self-explanatory, Arena puts up to four players in small areas in either one-on-one or two-on-two fights while everyone else is spectating and waiting for their turn. Butch Bay Riot on the other hand puts three teams against each other with each team buying their weapons, ammo and armor before each round. With the goal to bring the power node located in the middle of the map to the enemy base, the guards, prisoners and mercenaries don't really fight each other at once. Instead each group has one specific enemy. So the prisoners go after the guards base while the guards attack the mercs. The last game mode, Pitch Black, puts everyone in a dark area with one player playing Riddick with his dual-blades and his night-vision ability and the others all playing mercs only equipped with their weapons and flashlights hunting him down.

Chrysler Classic Racing
Chrysler: Classic Racing Nintendo DS Front Cover  Chrysler: Classic Racing Nintendo DS Back Cover
You might be a nerdy wallflower, but you're about to become the coolest cat out there. Chrysler Classic Racing is set in America during the car-crazed era of 1950s and 1960s, and you're on a mission to become the "King of Cool" by redefining not only your own style, but creating the hippest racing vehicle on the road! With just enough dough in your pocket to buy an entry-level Chrysler, take part in "after-hours" races. Win some cash and buy new cars, better engines sweet decals, or faster tires. Or make yourself look cooler with a sleek new haircut, more fashionable threads, and swankier sunglasses. If your car looks hot and your style is slick, you could just become the "King of Cool."
  • Having a cool car, lapping opponents, and winning races by a substantial margin are just some of the ways to be awarded Cool Points.
  • Use Cool Points to customize your character-improve haircuts, add cool facial hair, buy hot new clothes, or update to stylish shades.
  • Customize your classic Chrysler vehicles including the Barracuda and the Belveder, change the tires, suspension, and steering, not to mention adding cool paint decals and chrome finishes.
  • Incorporated mini-games are an essential part of the gameplay and storyline-like bartering for cars and racing for pink slips.

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