Sabtu, 30 November 2019

Mobygames (92)

F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0 DOS Front Cover  F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0 DOS Back Cover

The sequel to F-19 Stealth Fighter - take America's premiere stealth fighter out for a spin in several battle areas, including the Persian Gulf, Cuba, and even Vietnam. There are various scenarios for each, with air-to-air or ground missions, in "cold war" and full-scale war situations. Players can build up their pilot ranks through completed missions and medals.

The game actually has two flight modes. In the "authentic" mode, you have only 2 weapon bays, but you have higher stealth rating. In the "theoretical" mode, you have 4 weapon bays like F-19 Stealth Fighter, but your plane is easier to detect due to a lower stealth rating.
F-14 Tomcat 
F-14 Tomcat DOS Front Cover   F-14 Tomcat DOS Back Cover

F-14 Tomcat is a flight simulator / action game. You get to fly an F-14 in a variety of combat situations, either in a single battle at a time or create a career.

Graphical enhancements that were new for the time period include full 256-color support and gradiated ground/sky/horizon.

F-16 Combat Pilot 
F-16 Combat Pilot DOS Front Cover   F-16 Combat Pilot DOS Inside Cover 

F-16 Combat Pilot DOS Back Cover

True to the aircraft’s flexibility, you pilot the F-16 in assignments as diverse as dogfights, bombing raids or reconnaissance missions. It is up to you to plan your flight route by setting waypoints on the tactical map prior to take-off; you can also (but need not) select the armament of your plane. When you have accumulated enough flight experience, you may command entire squadrons in the fictional Operation Conquest campaign, a simple simulation of an entire war theater that already hinted at what would later become DI’s Virtual Battlefield.

F-16 Combat Pilot allows multiplayer duels via modem or serial link.

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