Rabu, 20 November 2019

Mobygames (6)

Agatha Christie : ABC Murders

 Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders PlayStation 4 Front Cover Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders PlayStation 4 Back Cover 

Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders is based on the novel of the same name. The main character is the master detective Hercule Poirot who, together with his assistant Hastings, investigates the ABC murder mystery: A serial killer who bases his murders on the alphabet (and likes to send taunting letters to Poirot) is on the loose. In contrast to other Agatha Christie works, this story is set in a number of English locations and not in a confined environment. Except for the inspiration, this game is unrelated to the Nintendo DS game of the same name.

The majority of the game is spent with investigating crime scenes and other locations: searching for and clicking on hot spots and finding clues. Often the game goes in a close-up view and shots the number of hot-spots to find in said view. When observing people or places, the player needs to find spots which correspond with Poirot's statement (for example, when he says "This woman is a heavy smoker", the cursor needs to be held over a cigarette). During conversations, the player needs to choose the stay in character for information and bonus points - but the game continues even after botching an interrogation completely.

Sometimes during the case, Poirot enters deduction mode which works in a similar way to Crimes & Punishments: Sherlock Holmes: in a mind-map, the player needs to combine the collected evidence to form conclusions. However, in contrast to Crimes and Punishment there is no option to fail. A similar mechanic are the reconstructions where the detectives reconstruct a timeline. It is basically a movie and at certain points the player needs to choose how it continues - if a wrong answer is chosen, it is back to the beginning.

Additionally the game features a number of logic puzzles which take place on a separate screen. Those are mostly a simpler version of The Room: the examined object can be turned around by holding the button and the player can manipulate certain areas. For example, a part may be loose, can be moved and reveals a button which in turn reveals another part of the contraption. There are also some traditional puzzles like comparing two letters to see if the same typewriter was used. There are no traditional inventory puzzles save for combining found keys on locks

Aggresive Inline
 Aggressive Inline PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Aggressive Inline PlayStation 2 Back Cover 

Combine the many tricks and styles of the extreme sport, inline skating, with a Tony Hawk style system, complete with objectives and huge arenas, and you have Aggressive Inline.

Progress through the career mode, where you must complete objectives (such as grind a certain object(s) to jump over large gaps and gain points) to open up further arenas, which there are 7 in all, and once your bored with them, you can make your own in the park editor. The game doesn't use a hard time limit but the so-called "juice meter": it fills up when performing stunts and if it gets empty, the level ends. During the game you level up your character in seven stats, e.g. speed and grinds. The game uses a "learning by doing" approach to this, meaning that the stat improves if you perform the associated actions often enough. There are also five hidden keys in each level which open up new areas within the level.

10 pro inline skaters join the fun (Shane Yost, Sam Fogarty, Sven Boekhorst, Eito Yasuko and more), and you can take on a friend in 2 player split screen.

AirBlade PlayStation 2 Front Cover   AirBlade PlayStation 2 Back Cover  

AirBlade takes place in the near future as a man named Oscar has developed a perpetual energy source that will revolutionize the world, however, the GCP Corporation has discovered it as well and fears that it will hurt the company which is heavily invested in the oil companies. Desperate, they kidnap Oscar in an attempt to silence him, but before he is captured, he gives his friend Ethan a prototype hoverboard called the AirBlade.

The player takes control of Ethan who then must transverse through various objective-based missions in an attempt to rescue Oscar, get the discovery out to the world and bring an end to the evil corporation. Each mission has the player complete certain objectives within in a certain time limit that include destroying cameras or taking out guards using the AirBlade to travel through these areas and discover various items that will help them along the way as well as bonus rooms and missions.

As the player progresses through the game, they will unlock additional modes including a "Score Attack" mode and a "Freestyle" mode that rewards the player for completing various tricks and stunts using the AirBlade. There are also a variety of multiplayer modes such as "Ribbon Tag" and "Elimination" which consists of eight players taking turns scoring points on time allotted tracks with each round eliminating the player with the lowest points until only one player is left.

Airborne Ranger 
  Airborne Ranger DOS Front Cover  Airborne Ranger DOS Back Cover  

In this action/simulation game by Microprose the player takes the role of an U.S. Army airborne ranger. These Airborne rangers are dropped behind enemy lines by parachute to perform all kinds of dangerous missions. Gameplay consists of 3 phases:
  1. Reading the mission briefing and outfitting 3 supply pods with machine gun ammo, time bombs, first-aid kits, grenades & LAW rockets depending on this briefing.
  2. Flying over the mission map in a V-22 Osprey plane to drop your 3 supply pods and parachuting out of the plane yourself.
  3. Performing the actual missions and reaching the pick-up point before time runs out. There are 12 different missions which include capturing an enemy officer, blowing up an ammunition depot, photographing an experimental aircraft and liberating P.O.W.'s
Missions take place in either an arctic, desert or temperate setting. Using the mission map the player must decide the route towards the mission objective. This might require them to crawl through trenches, run around minefields or take out enemy soldiers and bunkers. Airborne Ranger was one of the first games with some missions that required a stealthy approach (staying undetected until a certain time, taking out a guard and stealing an enemy uniform etc.).

Airborne Ranger can be played in practice or veteran mode. In practice mode, gameplay is limited to a single mission, while in veteran mode, a series of missions or an entire campaign is played in order to earn medals & promotions. All missions can be played on several difficulty levels.

Air Bucks
 Air Bucks DOS Front Cover 
 Air Bucks DOS Back Cover 

Air Bucks is a business simulation game which tries to capture the ins and outs of the airline industry without bogging the player down with details. It starts in 1946 and the goal is to build up a successful airline with a small starting budget. There are many details in the game, e.g. the player can buy rights to airports, arrange seats on the planes to carry more or less first class passengers, decide on the quality of in-flight food or entertainment, and more.

The game features "special events" similar to Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon, which require quick changes in the plane operations to accommodate them. Other important industry-specific activities include designing global routes and paying for landing rights, tinkering with plane layouts and determining fares for each leg. All those decisions are made inside various menu screens. Competition consists of up to three human or AI controlled opponents and the world map is randomly generated with every new game.

 Air Duel : 80 Years of Dogfighting
 Air Duel: 80 Years of Dogfighting Amiga Front Cover  Air Duel: 80 Years of Dogfighting Amiga Back Cover 

As the name suggests, this flight simulation gives you a chance to fly most of the famous fighter models from World War 1 to the present day. You can fly the Sopwith Camel, the Spitfire, the F-4 Phantom, the Harrier Jump Jet, the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the Fokker DR1, and the MiG-23, each with realistic and functional cockpit features. The game offers 6 historical missions, a duel mode and a "What If?" air duel. In the latter, you can apply weapons from different time periods to aircraft, and try to shoot down a modern plane using an older one.

Air Force Commander

 Air Force Commander DOS Front Cover  Air Force Commander DOS Back Cover

In Air Force Commander the player takes command of a Middle Eastern country's air force to gain air superiority over the enemy. Like the title suggests this game focuses solely on aircraft and rocket bases. The main part of the game is spent on the overhead map where the player gives orders to his units, e.g. attacking ground targets and scouting or intercepting enemy forces. Different map views show information like targets in range, flight movements in the monitored zones or civil facilities. Another important aspect of the game is resource management: every base and unit cost resources. If these get scarce the player can shut down some bases. If the public mood gets too bad, e.g. because of destroyed civil facilities or food shortage, the player loses his commission and therefore the game.

Air Ranger : Rescue Helicopter
 Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter PlayStation 2 Back Cover 

Air Ranger Rescue is a single player game in which the player pilots a rescue helicopter.

There are three helicopters to fly in this game, the MBB/Kawasaki BK-117-B, the Boeing CH-47J "Chinook ", and the Hughes/Kawasaki OH-6D. The game consists of eight timed missions each of which has three levels of difficulty, plus in the training section there's also a 'Free Flight' mode. The first missions are flown in the small OH-6D, missions two and above together with the other craft being locked off until the preceding missions have been completed successfully.
Missions are scored on a points system, victims must be rescued while in good health so points are lost if they are not picked up in good time and, of course, points are deducted should the helicopter hit a building or should a victim die.

The training section is in the form of a manual and it not only explains the game's controls but also the workings of the helicopter and includes sections of video footage.


 Airwolf NES Front Cover  Airwolf NES Back Cover 

  In this game based on the TV show, you command a military helicopter on a mission to rescue hostages. The main action is first person but when a POW camp is reached a third person viewpoint is used. A variety of enemy aircraft and weapons must be destroyed to successfully rescue the prisoners.

Alan Wake 

 Alan Wake Xbox 360 Front Cover  Alan Wake Xbox 360 Back Cover

Alan Wake is an intense cinematic action game with strong survival horror elements, told in successive episodes. The player controls the actions of the eponymous Alan Wake, a popular detective writer who tries to escape the pressure of creative expectations in a fictional town called Bright Falls. Pretty soon however, Alan's wife disappears and he will be facing weird happenings forcing him to pick up a weapon and a flashlight. While Alan tries to uncover the mystery he just got pulled into, the story is told in six episodes, each ending with a title screen and starting with a recap of the recent happenings - just like a TV episode.

The key element in the game is light. During the game's daylight passages Alan explores and discovers Bright Falls with its town life and woods, including an in-game radio station and different TV channels. The game's dramatic and action-oriented elements start at nightfall. People and animals in the game turn into most harmful beings at night. They are engulfed by a darkness that transforms them. Called Taken, they are extremely vulnerable when exposed to light and that is how to fight them. Alan's main tools for survival are a gun and a flashlight. Throughout the game both tools vary and Alan will find better weapons and stronger flashlights. Flashlights require batteries and these can be drained, especially when he focuses the light into a stronger beam to remove the dark influence surrounding people and creatures quicker. Enemies can only be shot after the veil of darkness surrounding them has been removed with light.

In-game Alan is controlled from a third-person perspective and although he carries a gun the game does not use cross-hairs. The main focus in combat is the use of light and therefore Alan points at enemies with his flashlight while the game provides aim assistance at the very target. He can pick up additional ammo and batteries and there are also a few puzzle elements where he needs to interact with the environment to restore electricity for instance. Healing is done automatically by not taking damage for a while and there are also locations with lots of light where the creatures cannot enter, called safe havens. There health is restored even more quickly. Many of the story elements are told in different, scattered pieces from a general timeline. The player will for instance return to an apartment prior to the departure to learn more about his wife's phobia of the dark. Much of the time is spent exploring and there are also a few driving sequences. Other parts of the story are gathered through pages of a book's manuscript Alan has yet to write. These are stored and often provide more information about past and upcoming events. There are also many cinematic, scripted events and conversations with the town people. Similar camera angles are provided when shooting or dodging, with slowed-down time for cinematic effect.
Alarm fur cobra 11 : Hot Pursuit 

 Alarm for Cobra 11: Hot Pursuit Windows Front Cover Alarm for Cobra 11: Hot Pursuit Windows Back Cover 

Alarm für Cobra 11 - Vol. II is a licensed game about the eponymous German action TV series and basically the same game as its predecessor: the player uses one of 25 cars, drives on the highway and causes explosions. It is the second game in the series.

The player solves one mission after another the goal is mostly to chase other drivers down. In the process he unlocks special cars and a Making Of about the pilot movie. The courses are based on Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg and Munich. 
Alcatraz Amiga Front Cover  
Alcatraz Amiga Back Cover

A drug baron took over Alcatraz prison and now the player takes the role of an U.S. Navy Seal to break in and neutralize him. He has two hours to complete his objectives in three buildings and needs to survive two different playing styles: side-scrolling fighting on the streets and first-person shooting inside.

Outside, the goal is to reach the building in which the objectives have to be completed. Of course the baron's thugs are not too pleased and try to kill the hero - so he has to shoot back with a many different weapons, e.g. flamethrowers, machine guns, bombs, and other destructive or close combat weapons, which can be collected from dead enemies. Similarly to Hostage: Rescue Mission, he can also hide in the background in certain spots.

Once inside a building, the game switches to a first-person view, in which the player has to navigate a maze to reach his goal, e.g. recovering evidence. To his disposal are a radar and a rifle. 

Alex Ferguson Player Manager 2001
 Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 PlayStation 2 Back Cover 

In this tactical football management game, you become the manager of a team in the English, French or Belgian league, with different subdivisions, starting in 2001. Your job includes setting out strategies, planning training sessions, keeping an eye on your players and attracting new talent, taking care of finances, and of course making sure that you win your matches. You will be given specific goals, such as qualifying for the champion's league, or defending the club's reputation. Games do not only include league matches, but friendlies and cup matches as well.

The actual games can be watched real-time in 3D, allowing for on-the-fly substitutions and tactical decisions, and a unique feature is you can both manage and play for a club, although there is no way to actually control players or actively participate. All players have different abilities and characteristics, which can be trained to create a well-balanced team. The French version portrays manager Guy Roux (famous of Auxerre), while the UK version has Alex Ferguson (Manchester United).

Alex Rider : Stormbreaker
 Alex Rider: Stormbreaker Nintendo DS Front Cover  Alex Rider: Stormbreaker Nintendo DS Back Cover

 Alex Rider: Stormbreaker is a game based on the British movie Stormbreaker. The story features a a fourteen year-old orphan called Alex who lives with his uncle Ian Rider, which is a spy of the MI6. In one mission Ian dies, and that's when Alex begins to investigate and he discovers that his uncle was a spy for the MI6. Then, the young boy is recruited by the MI6 to go undercover in an operation to investigate Herod Sayle who is going to give a Stormbreaker Computer to every school in Britain.

The game features screen captures of the film to convey the story and capitalizes on the action sequences in the movie.

The player controls Alex from a third person perspective in a 3D game world. The player gets to play stealth missions and combat missions, as well as driving vehicles and different mini games such as playing snooker against the AI, horse riding and going down a rope slide. Each mission has different bosses and many items to collect.

Alfa Romeo : Racing Italiano
 Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano PlayStation 2 Back Cover

The prestigious Alfa Romeo brand's cars feature in this racing game. There are several real tracks such as Hockenheim and Laguna Seca, as well as the chance to race in scenic Italian locations such as the Tuscanny hills and the Naples coastline. You can play Instant Action mode, in which you unlock these tracks one by one with indestructible cars, and Dynasty Mode, where you aim to build a more realistic career.

What sets the game apart from the crowd is its approach to driver abilities in Dynasty Mode. When setting a driver up, his abilities are split into skill areas such as reflexes and pressure-handling, with points assigned to these.

Further skills such as Heart, Intimidation and Recovery can be developed to improve either car or driver. AI cars have the same features applied to them race by race.
The driver's heartbeat is a featured sound effect, and in pressure situations it can be heard above all other sounds. One available skill is the Tiger Effect, which allows you to rewind the game to avoid dangerous situations as they are about to happen. Its length and efficiency are 2 of the skills which can be improved. 
 Alias Windows Front Cover  Alias Windows Back Cover

Based on the successful television show, Alias lets players take on the role of Sydney Bristow, a stealth operative working for the CIA. The game sets the player against two of Bristow's enemies from the original series in a plot which takes her from Saudi Arabia to Rio de Janeiro as she aims to find out about a mysterious device known only as "The Machine". The game was devised in conjunction with the writers from the show and uses official costumes, character shots and voices.

Players can use a stealth or action approach to get through the levels. With stealth Bristow needs to hug walls and use the correct timing to approach enemies from behind and knock them out. To accomplish this she has a few gadgets to her disposal, e.g. thermal vision or mini cameras. For the more direct method she uses guns found on neutralised enemies or melee combat. The latter knows different fighting styles depending on which weapon Bristow uses, e.g. knifes, unarmed or even a broom. There are also basic puzzles to solve, e.g. opening doors or a hacking mini game. Health regenerates automatically after a certain amount of time. 

Alien Legacy 
 Alien Legacy DOS Front Cover  Alien Legacy DOS Back Cover

 After an alien attack in 2043, great technological leaps were made and space travel was significantly improved upon. In 2119, fearing extinction, Earth built gigantic seedships designed as "arks" to propel people and the sum of human knowledge across the stars. One of these seedships, the UNS Calypso, is sent to Beta Caeli star system which is the farthest colony attempted yet. In 2135, a second seedship, the UNS Tantalus, is dispatched to the same destination in order to better the chances of human survival. The Tantalus is equipped with a more advanced fusion engine and thus will reach Beta Caeli some 21 years ahead of the Calypso. The player takes the role of the Calypso's captain. There is no sign of the Tantalus. All you have are some 5000 colonists, past radio transmissions and a few key advisers to help you colonize this new unfamiliar solar system.

The game has three distinctive parts: global strategy, colony management and searching planets. The latter is always the first part before colonizing a planet: Every planet is divided into sectors which can be chosen on a world map. Then the game switches to a 3D view (which can be switched to a 2D view) in which the player explores the sectors in search of different symbols - clicking on them results in certain benefits. Examples are ore and energy, the two main resources in Alien Legacy, new life forms or traces of a lost civilization which give hints about the awful events of the past. With the correct technology the player can scan both the world map and the sectors to shorten the search - but this costs fuel.

The strategy mostly involves sending out ships to new planets to colonize and researching. Research is powered by "research points" in different categories, e.g. biology or math, which are gathered when searching sectors. By using those points the player gets different technologies of various use like more productive mines or a better range for space ships. Lastly the colonies are viewed from a top-down perspective. Here the player constructs up to 16 buildings to produce resources or space ships. Those buildings have to be maintained or can be upgraded/replaced with the newest research achievements. Every colony also needs a steady number of people, material and robots or it can't produce.

The game is played in real-time; the rounds (two rounds represent a month) elapse if the player is active or not. But time can be slowed down to ease the stress. After about 2000 rounds the peaceful colonizing is over, and the player has to fight a war against an unknown foe..


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