Discovery : in the Steps of Columbus


Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus is a real-time strategy game of conquest and exploration. The player assumes the role of a "conquistador" as he sends his fleet of settlers to different locations on any of the 6 available new worlds. Depending on the resources they find, they'll start developing advanced settlements and cities, which can be used to start trading efforts between the fatherland and the new empire.
There are five other nations with their own colonies in each area though, so competition is fierce enough to require the game to feature a combat module. This also comes into play when negotiations with the natives fail, and on sea, when facing pirates or enemy warships.
The game features a comprehensive mouse-driven interface, as well as a choice of starting fatherland.
There are five other nations with their own colonies in each area though, so competition is fierce enough to require the game to feature a combat module. This also comes into play when negotiations with the natives fail, and on sea, when facing pirates or enemy warships.
The game features a comprehensive mouse-driven interface, as well as a choice of starting fatherland.
Biografi Christopher Columbus :
Christopher Columbus lahir pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1451 dan wafat pada tanggal 20 Mei 1506. Christopher Columbus adalah seorang penjelajah dan pedagang yang menyeberangi Samudra Atlantik dan sampai ke benua Amerika pada tanggal 12 Oktober 1492 di bawah bendera Castilian Spanyol.
Ia percaya bahwa Bumi berbentuk bola kecil, dan beranggap sebuah kapal dapat sampai ke Timur Jauh melalui jalur barat. Oleh karena ia ia mencoba untuk mengarungi dunia untuk melihat apa yang belum dilihatnya dan kemudian menulisnya dalam sebuah catatan perjalanan.
Columbus bukanlah orang pertama yang tiba di Amerika, yang ia dapati sudah diduduki. Ia juga bukan orang Eropa pertama yang sampai ke benua itu karena sekarang telah diakui secara meluas bahwa orang-orang Viking dari Eropa Utara telah berkunjung ke Amerika Utara pada abad ke 11 dan mendirikan koloni L’Anse aux Meadows untuk jangka waktu singkat.
Terdapat perkiraan bahwa pelayar yang tidak dikenali pernah melawat ke Amerika sebelum Columbus dan membekalkannya dengan sumber untuk kejayaannya. Terdapat juga banyak teori mengenai ekspedisi ke Amerika oleh berbagai orang sepanjang masa itu.
Christopher Columbus, dalam upaya mencari jalan dari Eropa ke Timur, tak sengaja menemui benua Amerika yang membuatnya lebih berpengaruh dalam sejarah dunia, di luar dugaannya sendiri.
Penemuannya sekaligus merupakan mahkota eksplorasi dan kolonisasi Dunia Baru dan sekaligus pula merupakan tonggak penting dalam sejarah.
Colombus bagaikan membuka pintu bagi bangsa Eropa dua benua untuk pemukiman baru, menyebar penduduk dan menyediakan sumber kekayaan mineral dan isi bumi yang pada gilirannya mengubah wajah Eropa. Berbarengan dengan itu, penemuannya juga mengakibatkan hancurnya kebudayaan bangsa Indian.
Dalam jangka panjang, penemuan itu melahirkan satu bangsa baru di benua belahan Barat, yang dengan amat cepatnya membedakan diri dengan bangsa Indian selaku penduduk asli. Walhasil, Colombus membawa perubahan besar bagi bangsa-bangsa di Dunia Lama.
Kisah Perjalanan Cristopher Colombus
Garis besar kisah Colombus bukan masalah baru. Tatkala berangkat dewasa, dia menjadi nakhoda kapal dan seorang navigator yang cekatan.
Akhirnya Colombus yakin bukan mustahil menemukan jalan lebih praktis ke daerah Asia di timur dengan cara berlayar ke arah barat melintasi Samudra Atlantik dan dia dengan tekun merintis tekadnya.
Tentu saja niat besar ini tidak bakal terlaksana tanpa biaya cukup. Karena itulah Colombus membujuk Ratu Isabella I menyediakan anggaran untuk ekspedisi percobaannya.
Kapalnya melepas sauh pelabuhan Spanyol tanggal 3 Agustus 1492. Melabuh pertama di Kepulauan Canary di lepas pantai Afrika. Membongkar sauh di Kepulauan Canary tanggal 6 September dan berlayar laju arah ke barat.
Sebuah pelayaran yang bukan main panjang, sehingga tidak aneh jika para awak kapal merasa ngeri dan kepingin balik saja. Colombus? Tidak! Perjalanan mesti diteruskan, sekali layar terkembang pantang digulung.
Dan tanggal 2 Oktober 1492 bagaikan seutas sutera hijau daratan tampak di haluan. Colombus kembali ke Spanyol bulan Maret berikutnya dari penjelajahan yang dahsyat itu disambut orang dengan penuh penghormatan.
Sesudah itu dia melakukan serentetan pelayaran melintas Atlantik dengan harapan menjejakkan kaki di Cina dan Jepang. Tetapi sia-sia! Colombus tetap bersiteguh pada pikirannya bahwa dia sudah menemukan jalur perjalanan ke Asia Timur jauh sebelum orang lain sadar.
Ratu Isabella menjanjikan Colombus jadi gubernur di pulau mana pun yang ditemuinya. Tetapi, selaku administrator dia betul-betul tidak becus sehingga dipecat dari jabatannya dan dikirim pulang ke Spanyol dengan tangan terbelenggu.
Tetapi, sesampainya di Spanyol dia dibebaskan hanya saja tak pernah diberi jabatan lagi. Kabar angin mengatakan Colombus mati dalam kemiskinan tanpa ada dana apa pun. Tatkala kematiannya di tahun 1506 –kabar lain lagi– ada jugalah sedikit harta kekayaannya.
Kapal Cristopher Colombus Menuju Dunia Baru
Jelas, pelayaran pertama Colombus merupakan perubahan revolusioner bagi sejarah Eropa, dan malahan punya pengaruh lebih besar bagi Benua Eropa. Anak-anak sekolah semua menghafal tahun 1492 merupakan tahun penting.
Salah satu keberatan adalah karena bukannya Colombus orang Eropa pertama yang menemukan Dunia Baru. Leif Ericson, pelaut Viking, berabad-abad sebelum Colombus sudah menjejakkan kaki di Benua Amerika dan bolehlah dipercaya beberapa orang Eropa lain juga sudah menyeberangi Samudera Atlantik di masa-masa antara Leif Ericson dan Colombus.
Dari sudut sejarah, Leif Ericson bukanlah tokoh penting. Hal-hal menyangkut penemuannya belum pernah tersebar luas, begitu pula tidak meninggalkan perubahan apa pun baik di Amerika maupun Eropa.
Sebaliknya, berita penemuan Amerika oleh Colombus menyebar bagai kilat ke seluruh Eropa. Hanya beberapa tahun sekembalinya Colombus, dan sebagai akibat langsung dari penemuannya, banyak ekspedisi tambahan berdatangan di Dunia Baru dan penaklukan serta kolonisasi pun mulailah.
Seperti halnya tokoh-tokoh lain di dalam buku ini, Colombus mudah terkena gangguan pelbagai komentar seakan-akan apa yang ia lakukan orang lain juga lakukan andaikata Colombus tidak pernah hidup di dunia.
Eropa abad ke-15 M berada dalam keadaan risau dan berkemelut: dunia perdagangan berkembang, penjelajahan daerah baru tak terelakkan. Bangsa Portugis nyatanya memang aktif amat mencari arus jalan baru ke Timur, pada saat-saat menentukan sebelum Colombus.
“Pendaratan Columbus”oleh John Vanderlyn
Adalah mungkin sekali Amerika cepat atau lambat ditemukan oleh orang Eropa; bahkan mungkin sekali kalaulah ada penundaan, saatnya tidak begitu lama.
Tetapi perkembangan berikutnya akan sangat jauh berbeda apabila Amerika ditemukan –katakanlah tahun 1510– oleh ekspedisi orang Perancis atau Inggris dan bukannya tahun 1492 oleh Colombus. Dengan dalih apa pun memang nyatanya Colombuslah orang yang menemukan benua Amerika.
Kemungkinan keberatan ketiga adalah, bahkan sebelum perjalanan Colombus banyak orang-orang Eropa abad ke-15 yang sudah maklum bahwa sesungguhnya bumi ini bulat bentuknya.
Teori ini sudah diungkapkan oleh filosof Yunani berabad-abad sebelumnya, dan pembenaran yang tak tergoyahkan dari hipotesa Aristoteles sudah cukup untuk meyakinkan kaum terpelajar Eropa di tahun 1400-an.
Sementara itu, Colombus sendiri tidak terkenal orang yang menunjukkan bahwa bumi ini bulat. (Paling tidak, dia tidak berhasil melakukannya). Dia masyhur dalam hal penemuan Dunia Baru, yang baik orang Eropa abad ke-15 atau Aristoteles tak tahu menahu adanya benua Amerika.


Dishonored is a first-person stealth and action game with elements of role-playing. It is set in the fictional industrial city of Dunwall in 1666, modeled after the London of the Victorian era, but mixed with a futuristic vision with magical and steampunk elements. Players take the role of Corvo Attano, Royal Protector of the Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, who is framed for murder and the abduction of Emily, the daughter of the empress. This leads him to seek revenge and assassinate those who conspired against him. The game consists of a series of assassination missions that can be completed through pure violence, pure stealth, or a mix of both. Corvo has access to various weapons, supplemented with magical abilities by the being The Outsider. Each mission offers various non-linear approaches and many of these are found by exploring the environment. With special attention to stealth, it is possible to complete the game in a non-lethal manner.
Large parts of the game are spent exploring with a focus on verticality, so Corvo can jump, slide, sneak, sprint, lean, mantle and swim. Melee attacks are performed through the right hand, with various weapons used to stab, slash, block and parry. Staying undetected with stealth kills fills up an adrenaline gauge that makes combat more effective. On the other hand, brutal and open attacks trigger a chaos system that causes more patrols to appear, rats swarm the environment and NPCs can even start attacking each other, disrupting all serenity in the game and the characters' actions. This also affects conversations and quests. Certain side missions can lower the chaos setting, but it can be avoided altogether by hiding bodies or preventing alarms from being activated. Stealth skills include aerial attacks, slitting throats, sleeper holds and tranquilizer darts for rendering a character unconscious. The stealth system is based on occlusion; hiding behind objects and staying out of the field of vision. The lighting is of lesser importance. Stealth can also be used to eavesdrop on conversations and gain information about characters and their motives before planning a route of attack. Corvo can be revealed through sound, but he can also use it to his advantage to lure away others. Guards have various stages of awareness that influence their responses.
Ranged weapons and magic are used through the left hand. There are pistols and crossbows with various types of ammunition, as well as gadgets such as razor mines, smoke bombs and grenades. Coins can be collected to upgrade weapons and gadgets. Players also discover blueprints that provide access to advancement equip upgrades, forged at Piero's workshop. Magic is provided through six active and four passive abilities. The active ones include blink to teleport short distances, dark vision to improve vision, devouring swarm to summon rats, healing, possession (both humans and animals), time bend to stop time, and windblast to create a gust of wind. Runes need to be discovered and collected to unlock and enhance these powers. The passive ones are vitality for additional health, blood thirsty to build up adrenaline by blocking attacks for a much stronger counter, agility for more speed and longer jumps, and shadow kill that turns enemies to dust when they are killed. Magic drains mana and it takes a certain amount of time to have it regenerate. There are also about 40 bone charms to be discovered that provide additional perks, but only three can be active at a single moment and they cannot all be unlocked in a single playthrough.
Between missions, Corvo returns to The Hound Pits, a drinking establishment that acts as a hub between missions. Dunwall is the capital city of the Empire of Isles, a collection of our nations. There is much water in the surroundings and to the east of the sea is Pandyssian Continent, a giant land mass. The background story describes Dunwall as a hub for fishing and whaling, as whale oil has become a major power source. At the same time the city is burdened by a plague, spread through dogs and rats, that divides the rich from the poor in districts through energy beams known as Walls of Light. These evaporate anyone passing through, except for the city watch, but can be deactivated by removing the energy source or through other means. Other elements and items include arc pylons that disintegrate anyone close, elixirs to refill health and mana, food, and single-use rewire tools to hack city devices. Infected are known as Weepers. They cry blood and exhibit a lot of violence. The city watch consists of Tallboys, mechanized officers of long legs. Corvo initially gets to escape through the Loyalists, a group of activists that plans to overthrow the government. The player's approach, especially in regard to killing, determines the game's ending.
Large parts of the game are spent exploring with a focus on verticality, so Corvo can jump, slide, sneak, sprint, lean, mantle and swim. Melee attacks are performed through the right hand, with various weapons used to stab, slash, block and parry. Staying undetected with stealth kills fills up an adrenaline gauge that makes combat more effective. On the other hand, brutal and open attacks trigger a chaos system that causes more patrols to appear, rats swarm the environment and NPCs can even start attacking each other, disrupting all serenity in the game and the characters' actions. This also affects conversations and quests. Certain side missions can lower the chaos setting, but it can be avoided altogether by hiding bodies or preventing alarms from being activated. Stealth skills include aerial attacks, slitting throats, sleeper holds and tranquilizer darts for rendering a character unconscious. The stealth system is based on occlusion; hiding behind objects and staying out of the field of vision. The lighting is of lesser importance. Stealth can also be used to eavesdrop on conversations and gain information about characters and their motives before planning a route of attack. Corvo can be revealed through sound, but he can also use it to his advantage to lure away others. Guards have various stages of awareness that influence their responses.
Ranged weapons and magic are used through the left hand. There are pistols and crossbows with various types of ammunition, as well as gadgets such as razor mines, smoke bombs and grenades. Coins can be collected to upgrade weapons and gadgets. Players also discover blueprints that provide access to advancement equip upgrades, forged at Piero's workshop. Magic is provided through six active and four passive abilities. The active ones include blink to teleport short distances, dark vision to improve vision, devouring swarm to summon rats, healing, possession (both humans and animals), time bend to stop time, and windblast to create a gust of wind. Runes need to be discovered and collected to unlock and enhance these powers. The passive ones are vitality for additional health, blood thirsty to build up adrenaline by blocking attacks for a much stronger counter, agility for more speed and longer jumps, and shadow kill that turns enemies to dust when they are killed. Magic drains mana and it takes a certain amount of time to have it regenerate. There are also about 40 bone charms to be discovered that provide additional perks, but only three can be active at a single moment and they cannot all be unlocked in a single playthrough.
Between missions, Corvo returns to The Hound Pits, a drinking establishment that acts as a hub between missions. Dunwall is the capital city of the Empire of Isles, a collection of our nations. There is much water in the surroundings and to the east of the sea is Pandyssian Continent, a giant land mass. The background story describes Dunwall as a hub for fishing and whaling, as whale oil has become a major power source. At the same time the city is burdened by a plague, spread through dogs and rats, that divides the rich from the poor in districts through energy beams known as Walls of Light. These evaporate anyone passing through, except for the city watch, but can be deactivated by removing the energy source or through other means. Other elements and items include arc pylons that disintegrate anyone close, elixirs to refill health and mana, food, and single-use rewire tools to hack city devices. Infected are known as Weepers. They cry blood and exhibit a lot of violence. The city watch consists of Tallboys, mechanized officers of long legs. Corvo initially gets to escape through the Loyalists, a group of activists that plans to overthrow the government. The player's approach, especially in regard to killing, determines the game's ending.
Dishonored 2


Dishonored 2 is the sequel to Dishonored and it is set about fifteen years after the events of the first game. It had different endings and this game picks up the story for the one with the best outcome for the characters. Corvo Attano, once framed for the murder of empress Jessamine Kaldwin and the kidnapping of her daughter Emily, has his name cleared and is now Royal Protector of Emily, the new empress of the fictional Empire of the Isles. She has to deal with the Crown Killer, someone who is against her will killing all her enemies and opposition, making it look like she rules with an iron fist and undermining her power. At the same time early on in the story she is deposed by the Delilah Copperspoon, known especially from the first game's story DLC, who claims the throne and says to be the older sister of Jessamine. She violently seizes power with the help of Luca Abele, Duke of Serkonos.
The change of regime is hostile and immediately the player has to choose between two protagonists, either Corvo or Emily, as the main character for the entire game. In the first game only Corvo was available and now there are two, each with their own supernatural abilities. Those can also be discarded entirely by rejecting the Outsider's help and just like the first title it can also be approached as a pure action game with melee and ranged combat, as a pure stealth game or as a mix of everything. Unlike the first game there is no silent protagonist as they both are voiced and speak throughout the game. The game is no longer set in Dunwall except for a short part early on, but in the coastal city Karnaca in the southern part of the Empire of the Isles. Architecture, fashion and technology now draw from 19th century European countries like Greece, Italy and Spain. Where the first game linked together environments as hubs with loading times, Karnaca has a more of an open world-style approach as a single environment, but the game still uses hubs as large sandbox environments for missions. There is a main quest to pursue, but the character can also freely explore and discover many side quests or optional activities in a random order. Overall there are nine, large missions that usually each have a distinct environment such as the Addermire Institute, the Clockwork Mansion or the Royal Consevatory. Next to the overall design many of these locations have very different mechanics. A ship called the Dreadful Whale often transports the character between missions.
Just like Corvo, Emily has access to the Outsider's Mark and can choose to use supernatural abilities or reject them entirely. Emily's abilities often focus on distraction and they are Domino to link the fate and actions of two or more characters, Doppelganger to create a clone, Far Reach as a grappling hook, Mesmerize to turn enemies into a dream state and Shadow Walk to turn into smoke for stealth or to move through vents. Corvo's familiar abilities are Bend Time, Blink, Dark Vision, Devouring Swarm and Possession. Abilities can be upgraded, for instance for Corvo's Blink to pass through glass without breaking it or Emily's Far Reach to snatch items harpoon-style. For stealth it is possible to knock out, drag and throw enemies, it is possible to distract using sound and alarms, and guards have an awareness meter based on sound, discoveries and alerting each other, and vision. The rat plague from the original game is replaced by blood flies. They can attack the character, but can also be turned into a distraction. When more enemies are killed, more flies appear.
Runes need to be discovered or bought at black markets to upgrade the abilities. The bone charm system of the original title returns, but in a new form. Players can now craft custom bone charms after unlocking that power, as equippable items that provide new powers. Bonecharms can add invisibility or invulnerability to specific actions or improve actions such as sprinting or swimming, or the regeneration of health or mana. Next to coins as the main currency, blueprints need to be located to upgrade the arsenal and there are paintings as optional collectibles. Based on the character's aggressiveness and assassinations, a chaos level is determined which influences the outcome.
The change of regime is hostile and immediately the player has to choose between two protagonists, either Corvo or Emily, as the main character for the entire game. In the first game only Corvo was available and now there are two, each with their own supernatural abilities. Those can also be discarded entirely by rejecting the Outsider's help and just like the first title it can also be approached as a pure action game with melee and ranged combat, as a pure stealth game or as a mix of everything. Unlike the first game there is no silent protagonist as they both are voiced and speak throughout the game. The game is no longer set in Dunwall except for a short part early on, but in the coastal city Karnaca in the southern part of the Empire of the Isles. Architecture, fashion and technology now draw from 19th century European countries like Greece, Italy and Spain. Where the first game linked together environments as hubs with loading times, Karnaca has a more of an open world-style approach as a single environment, but the game still uses hubs as large sandbox environments for missions. There is a main quest to pursue, but the character can also freely explore and discover many side quests or optional activities in a random order. Overall there are nine, large missions that usually each have a distinct environment such as the Addermire Institute, the Clockwork Mansion or the Royal Consevatory. Next to the overall design many of these locations have very different mechanics. A ship called the Dreadful Whale often transports the character between missions.
Just like Corvo, Emily has access to the Outsider's Mark and can choose to use supernatural abilities or reject them entirely. Emily's abilities often focus on distraction and they are Domino to link the fate and actions of two or more characters, Doppelganger to create a clone, Far Reach as a grappling hook, Mesmerize to turn enemies into a dream state and Shadow Walk to turn into smoke for stealth or to move through vents. Corvo's familiar abilities are Bend Time, Blink, Dark Vision, Devouring Swarm and Possession. Abilities can be upgraded, for instance for Corvo's Blink to pass through glass without breaking it or Emily's Far Reach to snatch items harpoon-style. For stealth it is possible to knock out, drag and throw enemies, it is possible to distract using sound and alarms, and guards have an awareness meter based on sound, discoveries and alerting each other, and vision. The rat plague from the original game is replaced by blood flies. They can attack the character, but can also be turned into a distraction. When more enemies are killed, more flies appear.
Runes need to be discovered or bought at black markets to upgrade the abilities. The bone charm system of the original title returns, but in a new form. Players can now craft custom bone charms after unlocking that power, as equippable items that provide new powers. Bonecharms can add invisibility or invulnerability to specific actions or improve actions such as sprinting or swimming, or the regeneration of health or mana. Next to coins as the main currency, blueprints need to be located to upgrade the arsenal and there are paintings as optional collectibles. Based on the character's aggressiveness and assassinations, a chaos level is determined which influences the outcome.
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