Senin, 09 Desember 2019

Mobygames (238)

Museum Madness
Museum Madness DOS Front Cover   Museum Madness DOS Back Cover

 You are a teenage boy. After connecting to computer museum guide you understand that aliens are in museum, maybe the dinosaurs are waked up. So you take the satchel and run to save the museum from the monsters, who are the computer virus. During your heroic action you must solve puzzles and explore museum, studying the natural history and technology and talking to historical figures.

Nano Breaker
Nano Breaker PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Nano Breaker PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 Nano Breaker is a hack-n-slash game that has the user take control of an experimental cyborg. In the future, Nanomachines have rebelled against mankind and has taken control of humans, turning them into horrible half-machines/half-human creations, bent on delivering Armageddon to humans. The player must stop them at all costs.

The gameplay is basic, travel through levels, hack at enemies using button mashing combos, facing bosses at the ends of the levels. The main weapon of choice is a Plasma Blade which has the ability to change shape. It also has a Time Attack mode along with the standard Story mode.

NARC PlayStation 2 Front Cover  NARC PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 NARC is a 3rd-person shooter that has the player tracking the distribution of the deadly new narcotic "Liquid Soul" across two different cities in Asia and the U.S.A. The player controls one of two characters - Narcotics detective Jack Forezenski (voiced by Michael Madsen), or D.E.A. agent Marcus Hill (voiced by Bill Belamy). Both are led by Narcotics chief Joe Kowalski (voiced by Ron Pearlman), and the player switches between the two as the story unfolds.

As an undercover cop, players are free to roam the streets and dispense justice at their discretion. Aside from storyline missions, players can encounter 12 types of randomized street crimes and stop them to boost their "badge rating" (loosely, a measure of their trust within the police). Players can likewise flash their badge around to cause perps to surrender or run. Criminals that resist must be beaten in a small "struggle" minigame to get cuffed. Players can also arrest alleyway drug dealers and deposit their drugs safely at the station.

Alternatively, the player can beat up drug dealers for their cash and stash, then sell the drugs to civilians for income. The player can also use the drugs themselves for temporary beneficial effects (ecstasy keeps enemies from attacking, speed makes you run and shoot faster, etc.) at the cost of badge points and the potential to become addicted. Excessive use of force against innocent civilians, or selling drugs to other undercover cops, result in major losses of badge points.

Players have a maximum badge rating of 100. If it drops below 49, they are demoted to Patrolman and cannot take new story missions. The player must roam the streets in their police blues and stop enough random crimes to be moved back to Narcotics. If the player's rating drops below 24, they are kicked off the force and rendered jobless. Jobless players cannot fight or shoot weapons without attracting police attention. Further drops in rating cause the player to be wanted by the police, with a rating of 5 or lower spawning officers specifically to shoot or arrest the player.

There are 25 hidden drug stashes in each city. Finding all of them will unlock the original N.A.R.C. arcade game for play.

Navy Seals
Navy Seals Amiga Front Cover  Navy Seals Amiga Back Cover

 Like many of Ocean's games this was licensed from a film,in this case one by Orion, the company best known for Robocop. You control a succession of the USA's elite fighters with the aim of destroying missiles held by terrorists. You must destroy the missiles by placing bombs next to them and then fleeing the scene.

You will of course meet many more fighters throughout the level, and pick up improved weapons as the game goes on (neither of which fit with the film, or real-life logic, but make for Generic Ocean Film License #718). The gameplay is primarily side-scrolling, but the levels are taller than the screen.


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