Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Mobygames (159)

Indy Car Series
IndyCar Series PlayStation 2 Front Cover  IndyCar Series PlayStation 2 Back Cover

IndyCar Series is the official game of the 2002 Indy Racing League season, including the world-famous Indianapolis 500. It's a fast-paced racing sim with up to 33 cars racing on track at a time, at speeds well over 220 mph. The game features commentary by Bob Jenkins, and a Masterclass training mode taught by Indy 500 winner Eddie Cheever Jr.

inFAMOUS PlayStation 3 Front Cover  inFAMOUS PlayStation 3 Back Cover

 When a huge explosion tears down several blocks in the middle of Empire City, Cole MacGrath mysteriously is the only person to survive near the center of the detonation. However, he starts to notice an unusual change in his body, a supernatural power over electricity which he soon learns to control. By then, a sickness has lead the government to quarantine the entire city, enabling street gangs to overwhelm the police and establish a violent rule over the population and the increasingly scarce supplies. Trapped in a desolate city of people who hold him responsible for the explosion, wanted by the police and hunted by the Reapers who try to stay in control of the streets, Cole must decide whose side he's on. Will he use his new-found powers to assure his own survival and take revenge on the people that condemn him, or will he use them to gain their respect by aiming for the greater good? Will he become a famous superhero, or an infamous super villain?

inFAMOUS is an action game taking place in a free city environment. It takes a different approach to comic book style games by not giving players control over a powerful superhero, but having them fill the role of a regular guy who is just starting to discover his supernatural abilities. Through their actions, they are able to decide whether Cole will become a hero that the inhabitants of the city admire and look up to, or a selfish man who fights for his survival and that of his friends, even if it means the death of others. When encountering Cole in the streets, citizens react according to his reputation.

The game can only be played in a single-player story mode, where Empire City is fully explorable. A karma meter shows how many good and bad deeds have been done. Experience points gained in combat and upon completing tasks can be spent on improving Cole's control over his electric powers, where some improvements are only available with a certain amount or positive or negative karma. Relying on electricity for health and powers, Cole needs to recharge himself wherever he can find an electric current, which is made more difficult by the occasional power outages happening in different areas of the city.

inFAMOUS 2 PlayStation 3 Front Cover  inFAMOUS 2 PlayStation 3 Back Cover

inFAMOUS 2 continues the story of Cole MacGrath, the protagonist of the original game. Right at the beginning Cole is thrown at facing a huge opponent known as The Beast. Little is known as to who or what the beast is and what is its goal. Defeated, Cole managed to escape the destruction of Empire City, and together with his partner Zeke Dunbar, and an NSA agent Lucy Kuo who he teamed up with in order to defeat The Beast, they sail south to the city of New Marais. His goal is to use the Ray Field Inhibitor device to weaken The Beast and take it head-on once and for all.

But his stay in New Marais won't just let him prepare for the final conflict with lost of leisure time. Instead, he enters the conflict with local gangs and man trying to destroy all the conduits like Cole, and on the other hand a swamp filled with all kinds of monsters. On his quest to find the necessary Blast Cores that can power the Ray Inhibitor Device, he will have to do a lot of other jobs and quests in the town and its vicinity to increase his own powers and either help the citizens of New Marais, or become the thing to be feared.

Cole will encounter Nix, a female conduit with a grudge against the man leading one of the city gangs. Meantime, after being experimented upon, agent Lucy Kuo herself will become conduit as well. Lucy and Nix will often present Cole with the choice of approaching a certain mission in a good or bad way which will affect Cole's karma. In the end, Cole will find out who The Beast really is and what is its goal, thus letting him choose whether to stop it or help it execute its plan.

Almost all the previous powers from the original game are back with some new ones. Unlike the original game where each button combination was used for a single power, in this game Cole can purchase more powers of the same caliber which will let him assign the power he wants to use to a specific button combination. Unassigned powers cannot be used until assigned. The game lets you use save game file from inFAMOUS to initially raise your good or evil karma.

As you perform good or evil deeds, your karma will fluctuate toward a blue or red bar, letting you purchase new powers that represent the karma type, as you cannot have both. Many side missions are similar to those in original game, meaning helping citizens, protecting them from the gangs, turning on electricity, taking photographs and more. Certain side missions are more good/evil oriented and can be performed exclusively, either a good or an evil side mission, but not both. Being evil will turn the police and townsfolk against you as well as everyone else, but you won't have to think about collateral damage. Being good will yield you many allies, but you will have to watch where you shoot.

As a man of electricity, Cole can use zip lines to glide, but touching the water is deadly. You can climb pretty much any building and fall down from virtually any height without the fear of death. This time, you will also be equipped for close combat which lets you unleash some deadly combos, and certain creatures are only weak in close combat and impervious to lightning shots from the distance. There are many strong enemies in this game and most of them have a specific weak point or a single attack type they are weak against. As in the previous game, you can heal wounded citizens, even in groups if you upgrade that healing power, restrain enemies or draw their life power to charge yourself.

inFAMOUS : Second Son 
inFAMOUS: Second Son PlayStation 4 Front Cover inFAMOUS: Second Son PlayStation 4 Back Cover

inFAMOUS: Second Son takes place seven years after the events of inFAMOUS 2. In this game you play as an entirely new character named Delsin Rowe, a conduit who becomes aware of his powers after a confrontation with an escaped inmate. When his abilities come under the attention of the Department of Unified Protection (D.U.P.) and their leader Brooke Augustine, Delsin is faced to battle them head on in the streets of Seattle. As a member of the Akomish Native-American tribe, Delsin knows there is nothing more important than your family. And thus he will do whatever necessary to protect them, even if it means becoming evil to do so.

Like the previous entries in the inFAMOUS series, Second Son is a 3rd-person action game that allows the player to choose between being a good or evil character. You again play as a conduit, but this time you have access to a much greater variety of powers. Across your playthrough, Delsin will have the chance to obtain four different powers, the first two being Smoke and Neon. Each power allows for a different playstyle and changes the dynamics of the game. The Smoke power for instance is more aggressive and used for up-close combat while the Neon power is better situated for long-range, quick movement encounters. The player can unleash a powerful move called Karmic Overload once their karma power is maxed out. Each of your powers can be upgraded by collecting blast shards all around the map. Depending on whether you have good or evil karma, the player will be locked out of certain upgrades until there karma becomes the opposite. Playing through the story gives access to a number of karma decisions where you have to make a good or evil decision usually involving another character, with your choice giving you an increase in that karma.

The game is open-world and allows movement across the whole city of Seattle. There are side missions to complete and collectibles to find. These side missions include spraying anti-D.U.P. images all over the city, finding and killing a secret D.U.P. agent, and searching for hidden audio files scattered around the area. The city is broken up into many D.U.P. controlled districts which can become less occupied by the enemy the more the player completes side quests. After taking the districts down to 30% controlled by the D.U.P., you gain access to a District Showdown where you face off against a tough enemy opposition and winning that battle removes the D.U.P. from the area and gives access to a fast-travel spot.


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