Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Mobygames (157)

Independence Day
Independence Day PlayStation Front Cover  Independence Day PlayStation Back Cover 

This arcade game is based loosely on the 1996 blockbuster movie "Independence Day." Interspersed with cutscenes lifted from the film, the game consists of flying a jet through various missions in order to take down the gargantuan, city-destroying spaceships. This entails flying around the 3D level and taking out targets such as: communication uplinks, shield generators, the occasional alien fighter craft, and ultimately bringing down the major alien ship via a strike on its main cannon. Powerups are plentiful, such as medical packs that heal your jetcraft, bonus weapons, bonus planes, and an item that freezes enemy planes for a brief time.

Mission settings include the Grand Canyon, Washington D.C., and New York City. There are other missions that are provided on a need-to-know basis (as stated in the manual). The game also features 2-player head-to-head action via a network or null modem link.

Indiana Jones : Emperor's Tomb
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Windows Front Cover Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Windows Back Cover 

 Indiana Jones is at it again. This time, he must travel his way through-out Asia to recover an artifact that, according to those who required his assistance, is the most powerful in the world. As usual, Indy isn't the only one who is out to find the treasure, with the Nazi's right on his tail.

Along with a heavy dose of exploration, whip cracking and platform jumping, you will also control Indy through fighting elements against a range of enemies. Hand-to-hand combat and a collection of weapons (from guns to table legs) can be used to defend yourself.

 Indiana Jones : the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis DOS Front Cover  Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis DOS Back Cover

 Indiana Jones is back! The great archaeologist and adventurer has to solve a grand mystery once again, aided by his trusty whip, his sharp wit, and his courage. A man who calls himself Mr. Smith is interested in a certain ancient statue. When the unsuspecting Indy hands it over to the client, he finds out that Mr. Smith is in fact a colonel in the Nazi army! Why was he so interested in that statue? A young woman who had once worked together with Indy, the pretty red-haired (and a bit troublesome) Sophia, tells him the whole thing must have a connection with the legendary lost continent Atlantis. Gathering clues from all over the world, Indy and Sophia embark on a grand journey across the globe.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a puzzle-solving adventure game conceived in the spirit of Indiana Jones movies; however, it is not based on a specific movie, introducing a new, independent story. The game utilizes LucasArts' SCUMM system, with action verbs the player chooses from a menu; objects that can be interacted with are highlighted. The game contains many puzzles of various kinds (mostly inventory-based) and dialogues with multiple choices. There are also a few simple hand-to-hand fights against the Nazis, some of which can be avoided.

The middle part of the game can be played in three "modes": co-operation (Indy and Sophia), adventure (Indy alone), and action (Indy alone, with less puzzles and more action). In each mode there are different locations to visit, different puzzles to solve, and different characters to meet. The CD version of the game adds voice-overs to all the conversations.

 Indiana Jones : the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure DOS Front Cover  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure DOS Back Cover 

 It is 1938 and adventurer Indiana Jones is joined by his father on this quest, preventing Adolf Hitler from capturing the Holy Grail. He will have to deal with Nazi guards, the Luftwaffe and enemy spies as he tries to stop the tyrannical Nazi leader.

The Graphic Adventure uses the same SCUMM gameplay system as the previous Maniac Mansion. Most of the screen is used for a visual rendition of the current scene. At the bottom of the screen are words, which can be clicked on using the mouse to activate their functions. For example, objects can be picked up, used, pushed or pulled, and turned on and off. Most locations are from the movie, but some further scenes are added.

In keeping with Indiana's action-man persona, the game also features pure action scenes. Unlike most Lucasfilm adventures, you can die.

Two PC versions of the game were released, one with 16 color EGA graphics, and one with 256 color VGA graphics.

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