Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Mobygames (153)

the Hunt for Red October
The Hunt for Red October Amiga Front Cover  The Hunt for Red October Amiga Back Cover

Based on the movie of the same name which was adapted from the best-seller by Tom Clancy. As Jack Ryan (a CIA officer) you must find out if Red October's mission is to DEFECT and if that is the situation try to prevent a possible deadly war. Red October is Russia's top secret nuclear missile submarine which is heading West on her maiden voyage...

The game is divided into 5 different action sequences in which you must perform various abilities like jumping from a helicopter, navigating big and small submarines through deep and narrow channels while trying to avoid from many obstacles.

Hurra Deutschland
Hurra Deutschland DOS Front Cover  Hurra Deutschland DOS Back Cover

  Hurra Deutschland is a sarcasm election campaign satire - playing in 1994 just before the election of Helmut Kohl as German Chancellor - with the dolls from German TV show "Hurra Deutschland" and "Zak": the german version of the British cult show "Spitting Image".

In Hurra Deutschland you're playing Paul. Paul is a lazy guy of poor intelligence, and a life-long dreamer (he always dreams of a wonderful life in the Caribbean). One day Paul gets a mysterious call: He can get Federal Chancellor - if he does an perfect electoral campaign. You as Chancellor instead of Helmut Kohl or Rudolf Scharping! But only a few days left...

Slip into the role of Paul and win the campaign. Paul's strategy is to run down Kohl and Scharping in tv shows. Also you recognize a worldwide complot which will drop the German Republic into a deep crisis if you're unable to bring it to light.

the Hustle : Detroit Kings
The Hustle: Detroit Streets PlayStation 2 Front Cover  The Hustle: Detroit Streets PlayStation 2 Back Cover

The Hustle: Detroit Streets takes you through the pool halls and clubs of Detroit, as you prove yourself against the masters of the game. Take on the role of either Jack Stone or Kat Hudson as they make their way to the top of the pool circuit through two different game modes. Players hone their pool skills in their quest for respect and cash, alone or in tough AI competition.

Once you've mastered the AI, you can hook up your network adapter and play against up to 9 friends, or take it online and challenge players around the world.

The game features over 180 different pool sharks, 200 variations on the game of pool, trick shots, 9 unique venues, character customization and a bevy of non-player characters. 

Hyrule Warriors 
Hyrule Warriors Wii U Front Cover  Hyrule Warriors Wii U Back Cover

Hyrule Warriors is a hack and slash action game set in The Legend of Zelda universe with gameplay very similar to Tecmo Koei Games' Dynasty Warriors series where characters fight in battles against hundreds of enemies at once. The game is set in the Zelda world of Hyrule and you start with Link as a Hylian soldier trainee. The world's evil presence Ganondorf was once defeated and his soul was split into four fragments that were hidden in different places. Even though Ganondorf was defeated he managed to influence the sorceress Cia to open portals in time where monsters are able to pass through. At the start of the game Hyrule castle is under attack and rookie Link manages to impress on the battlefield. In the confusion Zelda disappears and Hyrule castle is captured. Link investigates with Zelda's trustee Impa and is given the trademark green outfit, offered to the hero who can restore the balance of the Triforce.

In the main Legend mode Link travels through different environments linked together on a world map, fighting to meet the victory conditions. Other characters are gradually unlocked as well, so it possible to play as Impa, Sheik, Zeda, Lana, Darunia or Fi for instance. Fighting is based on fast combos, often attacking multiple enemies at once, while incoming attacks can be avoided through dodge rolls. It is possible to lock the camera onto a single enemy to keep it in view and then cycle between different ones. Defeating enemies adds to a global experience level used to level up. It also fills up a yellow attack gauge and when full a powerful attack can be unleashed, often damaging over 50 enemies at once. Picked up magic jars fill up a green magic gauge. When full focus spirit can be activated. It temporarily increases the attack power and speed, reduces knock back damage and provides bonuses when killing many enemies at once. By then consuming the magic gauge entirely a focus spirit attack is activated to knock down opponents and expose weak points.

Many large opponents have weak points. Once exposed a weak points gauge meter appears above an enemy and when it has filled up by attacking another powerful move can be performed. Items to collect during battles includes rupees, bonuses for magic, health and items, weapon fragments, vases to destroy for health, materials and temporary item power-ups from enemies. Multiple items can be collected and equipped, with the ability to cycle between them quickly. These are often found in treasure chests. One of the important items is the bomb used to deal damage and clear obstacles. The maps are generally very large with multiple areas to control. The main character almost never fights alone and has to keep track of different goals and objectives to move around quickly. These include capturing areas, defeating bosses and protecting certain characters. When the goals are ignored it is possible the defeat conditions are reached and the level is lost, even without dying. Goals can be tracked in the options menu and they can also through the mini-map in the top right corner. Green arrows appear in the level to help navigation and the fairy Proxi provides tips and suggestions.

Levels often contain multiple keeps that keep spawning endless reinforcements when under enemy control. By defeating enemies in such an area a keep meter can be reduced, causing a keep boss to appear. When defeated the keep is controlled, but it can be recaptured. Other levels have outposts with a similar mechanic. By defeating an outpost captain soldiers spawning for your side can be activated. Armies have a morale system, shown through colour, which can be improved when fighting alongside them. A specific event is the appearance of a gold Skulltula. There are one hundred in the game and they sometimes appear on the map in sections marked with a spider web before fleeing again. When defeated they provide a piece of an illustration. There are five full illustrations in total and these provide rewards such as perks and potions. After completing an area rupees are provided for the clear bonus, clear time and additional bonuses such as completed objectives.

Before starting a level a warrior can be chosen along with weapons of different types, and outfits. Rupees can be spent at the bazar. At the badge market for instance rupees and material can be used to craft attack, defense or assist badges with various enchantments. The training dojo is used to trade rupees for leveling characters quickly, and the apothecary provides temporary mixtures and restorative potions for empty bottles. Many skills and badges are tied to the character they are crafted with and these can be transferred afterwards at the smithy.

Next to the main Legend mode there is an Adventure mode with a map similar to the 8-bit Zelda games. By completing objectives new parts of the grid can be unlocked and there are segments where classic Zelda items are used. The third mode is the Free mode where players can experiment with all available characters freely. The final game mode is the Challenge mode where specific challenges need to be completed. New challenges are provided through updated at a regular basis. Many characters, enemies and environments are inspired by earlier Zelda games.

The game supports local cooperative multiplayer, either playing split-screen or with one player using the TV and the other one with an own screen on the GamePad. Off-TV play is also supported for single-player games. Certain achievements can be shared in the Miiverse.
Hyperspeed DOS Front Cover  Hyperspeed DOS Back Cover

 Hyperspeed is a space trading and combat simulation game, and a follow-up to Lightspeed. The player controls a pilot who is sent on a mission to find a new home for humans, after the Earth has become nearly uninhabitable. The goal is to encounter alien species and negotiate with them to allow the colonization of a planet by the humans. To do that, the player has to engage in diplomatic talks and trading, and also fend off hostile aliens.

The gameplay mostly relies on the template introduced by Elite: the player explores the galaxy piloting a space ship, encountering alien races, trading with them, and purchasing better weapons, shields, and engine for the space ship, helping the protagonist to survive in combat. There are four star clusters to explore, each one with its own difficulty level.

Hyper V-Ball
Hyper V-Ball SNES Front Cover  Hyper V-Ball SNES Back Cover

A volleyball simulation seen from a side-view perspective, meaning it is only possible to move players to the left or right. The player can choose between three different leagues: Men's League, Woman's League and Hyper League, which is a league for robots. Two buttons are used to control the ball, one for normal actions and one for "Hyper Plays", special attacks that can only be learned and used in the Hyper League. How a player will block or attack depends on the ball's speed and the players position. Team members who aren't under the player's direct control will also act on their own by positioning themselves or preparing spikes. They will, however, not block spikes on their own but it is possible to let players not under direct control block spikes by pressing one of the action buttons at the right moment. 


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