Kamis, 12 Desember 2019

Mobygames (271)

Red Faction 
Red Faction PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Red Faction PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 The Ultor Corporation of Mars is successful because of the mineral wealth of that planet. It employs a number of miners and scientists to mine the Noachite ores far underground. The miners are constantly pressured by the guards to work harder and faster, while at the same time being forced to share their meager resources. While the mines itself are dangerous, so too is the mysterious plague that has broken out among the ranks of miners, killing many. Into this low morale situation, propaganda against Ultor has begun appearing, signed only by "Eos". These pamphlets and posters urge the miners to rise up against their oppressors and take a stand, also recruiting members into their secretive "Red Faction". As a result of Eos' efforts, tensions are rising high between the Ultor corporation and its workers, any little incident could ignite...

Red Faction is a first-person shooter. Players take the role of Parker, a miner working underground for the Ultor Corporation. Equipped in an environment suit, Parker is protected from various hazards and able to breathe deep in the mines and in airless locations. At times, Parker also needs to travel undercover in a less protective disguise. Parker defends himself with a variety of weapons, most of which feature a primary and secondary firing mode. The weapons are divided into: hand weapons such as riot shields and flamethrowers, light arms which include pistols and shotguns, heavy arms featuring rocket launchers and sub-machine guns and finally weapons that are thrown or placed such as grenades and explosives. The game features a variety of vehicles to drive in first-person; including jeeps, drillers, flying craft and submarines. In order to survive, Parker must link up and aid his fellow miners, receiving direction and objectives via com-link messages.

Red Faction features a game engine called Geo-Mod. It allows holes to be blasted into all manner of terrain including floors, walls and ceilings. While limited to certain surfaces, such as rock, ice and concrete, this nonetheless results in a more destructible environment where deviation from the level design is encouraged. Players are able to at multiple points, create their own paths, tunneling past obstacles and into new environments. Only heavy explosives; such as missiles, torpedoes, grenades and plastique will allow the terrain destruction of this sort.

Red Faction II

Red Faction II PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Red Faction II PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 Long since the revolt from the mining of Mars, a new group has taken over Red Faction, and their sights are set on the dictator, Chancellor Sopot. Sopot originally created the Red Faction soldiers using a form of nano technology but, fearing they would fight back, ordered them to be destroyed.

As the leader of the group, your task is to take back freedom that was lost, and save your skin as well as that of those who work with you.

As was originally designed in the first Red Faction, Geo-Mod builds the world around you as a means to destroy it. Using rockets, mines and the many other weapons available, you can take down walls, blast through doors (therefore deleting the need for a security key) and bring down enemies by destroying the floor that they stand on. Vehicles can also be used to help in your tasks.

Multiplayer modes are also included for up to 4 players, as well as a collection of bots. As a note, the PC version does not have multiplayer.

Red Faction Guerrilla

Red Faction: Guerrilla Xbox 360 Front Cover  Red Faction: Guerrilla Xbox 360 Back Cover

 Red Faction: Guerrilla is the third entry of the Red Faction series and deviates from the first-person shooter genre that the previous two incarnations featured and incorporates an open world sandbox environment similar to Mercenaries, Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row ( which the developer, Volition, has also developed).

Set 50 years after the events of the first two games, Mars has been liberated from the devious Ultor Corporation by Red Faction and the E.D.F. (Earth Defense Force) has stepped in to help the Miner Community get back on their feet. However, the E.D.F. has become an occupying force, taking over the planet, executing citizens and imposing martial law on the planet. As a result a new Red Faction element has been formed to fight the E.D.F. and once again bring peace and freedom to the Martian landscape. The player takes control of Alec Mason, a recently arrived dissident of Earth hoping to make his new life on Mars with his brother Dan, only to be swept up in the Revolution and free Mars five sectors (Parker, the Badlands, Oasis, the Free Fire Zone and Eos) from E.D.F. control. To do this the player must complete missions and destroy E.D.F. vehicles and property, lowering their control on each sector and raising the morale of the resident population.

The missions range from story missions which purpose is to further advance the story and other missions including Transporter (returning certain vehicles to a safehouse in a certain amount of time), Guerrilla Raid (where the player and a group of Rebels attack and E.D.F. building and destroying it), Heavy Metal (where the player provides a distraction which allows fellow rebels to complete another mission without alarming the E.D.F.), Demolition Master (which the player has to destroy a target within a certain time limit and a limited supply of ammo) and House Arrest (where the player must rescue hostages and return them to a safehouse).

There are also missions that pop-up from time to time including Courier (where the player must track down and kill an enemy spy to collect the information he is carrying), Assault (where the player must defend a certain target against incoming E.D.F. forces) and Convoy (where the player must either destroy a line of vehicles or capture a target vehicle and return it to a safehouse). Completing these missions will drop enemy control of the area, raise morale of the citizens, be awarded scrap and unlock more advanced weapons. To liberate each section the player must drop the E.D.F. control of the area to zero and complete the story missions, once the player meets this a final story mission will be unlocked which will liberate that sector and unlock story missions for the next.

Players have a variety of vehicles to choose from, ranging from cars to trucks, dune buggys and dump trucks and even tanks and APC's (Armored Personal Carriers). There is also a plethora of weapons including pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, the sledgehammer (the players main weapon which can't be removed), remote mines, anti-personal mines, rocket launchers and the dreaded Nano Rifle (which fires a stream of nanobots that can disintegrate targets within an instant). The player can carry four different weapons at a time and can swap them out through access at their safehouses or through ammo boxes littered throughout the landscape. The most advanced weapons such as the Nano Rifle is only unlocked through the story missions while some can be found in E.D.F. buildings (like the Singularity Mine) and each weapon can be upgraded through safehouses which include extra ammo and more firepower through scrap. Scrap is the game's currency which is obtained through completing missions or destroying E.D.F. buildings and vehicles.

The game also has an updated Geo-Mod 2.0 game engine which allows the player to virtually destroy a building realistically such as making it lean left by blowing up the left side of the structure or lean forward if the front is blown apart. Players can use this to their advantage against enemies such as destroying the building from the ground floor, toppling it on enemies and vehicles or destroying the support structures of bridges with explosives, causing it to collapse with a convoy of enemies on top. It also features the physics engine, Havok for the character physics.

There is also an offline two-player mode called Wrecking Crew where two friends take turns on four different modes such as Barrel Dash, Total Chaos, Rampage and Escalation and play a certain set of rounds to win an event. Online multiplayer games are present as well including Anarchy, Team Anarchy, Capture the Flag, Damage Control, Siege and Demolition which awards players experience points that they can use to customize their online players and acquire more advanced weaponry. Additionally, there are backpacks for the Wrecking Crew and Multiplayer modes which enhances the players abilities such as Jetpacks, Stealth, Vision (essentially an X-ray) and more power-based ones such as Concussion, which will knock over nearby enemy players and Tremor, which can damage enemies as well as structures.

The PC game comes with the DLC Demons of the Badlands included which was previously only available for the Xbox360 and PS3 consoles.
Red Faction Armageddon 
Red Faction: Armageddon PlayStation 3 Front Cover  Red Faction: Armageddon PlayStation 3 Back Cover

 Red Faction: Armageddon is set 50 years after the happenings of Red Faction: Guerrilla and is also set on Mars. The player takes the role of Darius Mason, a well-meaning guy who only wants the best for his people. Unfortunately it is not only his fault that a terrorist could destroy the machine which brings a human-friendly atmosphere to the planet, meaning the humans had to retract in the underground, he also mistakenly unleashes an hostile alien race. Because the surviving humans are not too pleased with his achievements, it is now time to go out into the tunnels and set things right!

A big change to its predecessor is the lack of an open world; Armageddon is a linear third-person shooter. The majority of the game is just that: walking through the levels and killing alien masses or human cultists with a mix between conventional and science fiction weapons. Sometimes there are boss battles and vehicle sequences, e.g. inside a mech. In the levels there are valuable pieces of scrap to find which can be traded against character or weapon upgrades. What carries over from the predecessors is the destructible terrain which also can be used towards enemy disposal. Of course this means that Darius could destroy his way to the exit - but fortunately he has a handy device which allows him to repair his environment.

Besides the campaign there are two additional playing modes. The point of the destruction mode is to gain as many points as possible in a limited time frame. Points are earned by destroying the environment. Designed for cooperative play for up to four players is the second mode which basically consists of fighting enemy waves.

Red Ninja : End of Honor
Red Ninja: End of Honor PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Red Ninja: End of Honor PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 The game is set in medieval Japan, at the time of "warring states". Shingen Takeda and Nobunaga Oda clans are fighting each other, trying to gain supremacy over the entire Japan. The heroine of the game is a young girl called Kurenai ("crimson"), the daughter of a prominent Japanese engineer whose new invention (apparently, a destructive weapon) has drawn the attention of the warring clans. Ninjas sent by Nobunaga Oda attack his workshop, kill him, and leave Kurenai hanging from a tree tied by tetsugen, a piece of wire used by ninjas as a weapon. But a kind woman saves Kurenai, and trains her to be a ninja herself. This is where her quest for revenge begins.

"Red Ninja" is an action game with stealth elements. The primary weapon Kurenai uses is the deadly tetsugen. During the game you'll learn to perform new moves with this weapon. You can also use other weapons, such as a blowgun and throwing knives. Kurenai can jump, hang from ledges, and roll. There is a fair amount of platform-like sequences where she will have to demonstrate her acrobatic ninja technique. An effective way to kill enemies is to use stealth. Kurenai can approach enemies silently and hide behind objects. She can also "seduce" enemies, by talking to them in a sexy way and luring them to their death - a move that doesn't always work.

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