Minggu, 08 Desember 2019

Mobygames (229)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (SNES)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES Front Cover  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES Back Cover

 In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the player gets to play as any of the rangers (Jason, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Zack) through 7 levels. Except for the last few, all the other levels let the player pick whatever ranger wanted. Each has their own unique "super move". At the end, whoever the player choses to play as will automatically morph and at the end of each level the player gets to fight the boss.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Genesis)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Genesis Front Cover Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Genesis Back Cover 

 The Genesis version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a one-on-one fighting game based on the TV series, featuring two playing modes: one-player scenario mode and two-player battle mode.

In scenario mode, the evil Rita Repulsa sends a number of her monsters (and the evil Green Ranger) after the Power Rangers, who must defeat each in one-to-one combat. Before every bout, players can select a different ranger to play. Each of the five matches consists of two rounds: after the first round, the monster usually changes form into a larger version of itself (the Green Ranger summons his Dragonzord instead), which the Power Rangers must then fight again using their Megazord mecha. After the Green Ranger is defeated, he also becomes available as a playable character for the remaining fights.

In battle mode, players can select from the six rangers, four monsters and two Zords to fight each other in best-of-three matches in almost all combinations (the Zords and the Cyclopsis monster cannot be matched against any of the rangers, and both players cannot play the same character).

Two of the controller's buttons are used for normal and fierce attacks, while blocking is done by either pulling back from the enemy for standard blocks or pushing both buttons simultaneously for a powerful block that reflects even enemy projectiles. Button combinations unleash different special moves for each character.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : the Movie

The SNES game based on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a side-scrolling beat'em up in the vein of Final Fight and similar titles.

To stop the evil Ivan Ooze, the Power Rangers must brawl their way through seven large stages, featuring city streets, an aircraft carrier, a ski resort (complete with downhill snowboarding), a moving freight train, and more. The rangers must face off against Lord Zedd's Putty Patrol (whose troops come in more than a dozen varieties), several small and one large boss per stage. Six different rangers (Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Black and White) are available for selection before every level. In the two-player mode, two rangers can play at the same time.

The rangers begin each level in their civilian outfits and must collect power-ups from defeated enemies to slowly fill a power bar. Once that bar is full, they can transform into their ranger outfit at the press of a button, making them more resilient to damage and their attacks more powerful. Filling the power bar again allows them to use a signature weapon unique to each ranger for a limited time or perform an extra powerful special attack.

The game takes place on two lanes, and at most points in the game it is possible to jump between foreground and background to get to enemies or evade obstacles. In two-player mode it is of course possible to keep each ranger on their dedicated lane and only switch if absolutely necessary.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : Fighting Edition 

 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition is a game directly based on the world-known television series. In this game, you can choice among 8 playable characters: the Power Rangers' Zords (Thunder Megazord, Mega Tigerzord, Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord) or some of their known villains (Lipsyncher, Silver Horns, Goldar, Lord Zedd). The title offers 3 game modes: Story Mode (1-Player only), Fighting Mode (2-Player) and Trial Mode (a survival mode for 1-Player only).

During Story Mode, the goal is to defeat all the 4 Zords, the 4 villains up to Lord Zedd and last, but not least, Ivan Ooze. In this mode, you can opt by the Thunder Megazord (formed by the 5 original Rangers) or by the Mega Tigerzord (formed in conjunction with the White Ranger). The Fighting Mode is an traditional 2-Player head-to-head combat, where you can choose any of the 4 Zords or even the 4 villains. Trial Mode is a Endurance-like option, and the main goal is to win as many battles as possible using only 1 health bar (that will be partially replenished after each battle).

As well as many fighting games, you can take advantage of a Power Bar (here, it fills automatically): if you execute a Super Move when this bar is flashing, it will be cause more damage, besides increasing 1 level. Once you having reached its maximum status, it's possible to execute power-up versions of Special Moves or even unleash high-damage blows (Super Moves).

Mike Ditka Ultimate Football
Mike Ditka Ultimate Football DOS Front Cover  Mike Ditka Ultimate Football DOS Back Cover

 The head coach of the Chicago Bears offers up his own football simulation. Modify existing plays or design your own for 28 pro teams. Use 4 different passing methods and use the instant replay feature to watch plays unfold from 4 different angles. The game can be played in real-time or stop-action mode. Will you take your team to the Superbowl?

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