Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

Mobygames (200)

Lexi-Cross DOS Front Cover  Lexi-Cross DOS Back Cover

 Lexi-Cross is a TV show simulation based on elements from Wheel of Fortune and Scrabble in a humorous futuristic setting. Competing either against other living creatures (humans, aliens) or against robots, you must flip the tiles and use the revealed letters to form the correct words. The game features more than 600 puzzles.

LHX Attack Chopper
LHX: Attack Chopper DOS Front Cover  LHX: Attack Chopper DOS Back Cover

 LHX: Attack Chopper is a helicopter simulation with a strong arcade focus. You can freely choose which missions to fly first, and which helicopter to fly in a given mission. There are a total of four helicopters: Apache, Blackhawk, Osprey and LHX. With this fine selection of death machines you will engage countless enemy targets in Libya, East Germany and Vietnam throughout the game.

Liberty or Death
Liberty or Death Genesis Front Cover  Liberty or Death Genesis Back Cover

The European Wars against Spain and France have been costly to the British Empire. In order to gain additional funds for the war effort, the Crown raise taxes from the New World colonies without representation. This act compels the New World colonies to protest and boycott against British rule. By 1775, the Crown alarmed by the protests, boycotts and politically instability in the New World sends troops to subdue any rebellious efforts by the New World colonists. This threatening approach provokes the Thirteen Colonies to revolt. Thus starts the War for Independence in the New World (American Revolutionary War).

Choosing Sides
In Liberty or Death, you partake in the American Revolutionary War, either as the "rebels" - the American Continental Army or as the "Crown" - the British Royal Army.

Choosing either one of the nations will prompt you to choose the leading Commander-in-Chief:
  • The Continental Army: Charles Lee, Artemas Ward or George Washington.
  • The British Royal Army: Henry Clinton, Thomas Gage or William Howe.
Revolutionary Politics
Each turn you will have to balance your treasury for the war effort. Money is provided by each state. The more states that support your cause, the more money will flow in your coffers. Money is spent in paying wages, strengthening the fleet and recruiting new regiments.

Here, if you have a sufficient fleet, you can also command your Navy officer to "control the seas" which is conducting a blockade and privateering against enemy ships. This may result in seized goods that will be added to your treasury.

The American Revolutionary War in Liberty or Death included everyone except the American Indians: [1] Revolutionary Militia: American supporters but not yet fully supportive of Continental Army (not under your full control) [2] Loyalist Militia: Militia supportive to the Crown [3] French Army: The French will support the American cause after a formal alliance is held. [4] Spanish Army: The Spaniards will support the American cause after a formal alliance is held.

Revolutionary Combat
The top-down turn-based combat introduces units available in the Revolutionary War: Infantry, Guerrilla, Cavalry and Artillery (Engineers). Combat near shores may also be joined by Naval units: Fleet and Fires Ships.
Life & Death
 Life & Death DOS Front CoverLife & Death DOS Back Cover
 Life & Death is a game which casts you as a doctor in a hospital. Your job is to diagnose patients and administer appropriate therapies, or even perform surgery when necessary.

To diagnose a patient, you have to press on his or her abdomen, to see which portions of the stomach cause pain. Basing on this knowledge, you can choose a therapy for him (observation, medication or referring to another specialist) or administer a X-Ray or ultrasound scan to get more information about his illness.

In some cases, surgery will be necessary. You're the surgeon and you have to perform the operation very carefully, adhering strictly to the procedures, preserving hygiene, and maintaining care when cutting up the patient.

Should you mistakenly administer the wrong therapy, or kill your patient at the operating table, you're kicked into the medical school, where you're given hints as to what you've done wrong.
Life & Death II : the Brain 
 Life & Death II: The Brain DOS Front Cover                                 
Life & Death II: The Brain DOS Back Cover

The Brain follows the same premise as its predecessor Life & Death, wherein the player controls an up-and-coming surgeon who must perform simulated surgery on patients with varying problems. The sequel focuses on the brain, whereas the first game focused on the abdomen.

The graphics and gameplay have been improved from the first game, but, other than the new patient cases, it plays more or less the same.

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