Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Mobygames (168)

Jagged Alliance
Jagged Alliance DOS Front Cover  Jagged Alliance DOS Back Cover

 The land of Metavira needs your help! Contract additional mercenaries as you explore, capture, and hold new territory so the natives can harvest the valuable trees from which a revolutionary medicine can be extracted. The more trees you hold, the more money you make. The more money you have, the more you can do, such as hire native guards, hire more mercs, in order to take the offense and clear the sector of enemies. You will also need to retrieve certain objects from behind enemy lines, rescue captured personnel, capture equipment, and more. Hire a good mechanic in order to get your equipment and guns repaired, and to "enhance" them with various add-ons. Travel through lush jungles, treacherous rivers (with venomous snakes!), and more as you seek to free Metavira. Eventually, you'll meet up with the bad guys' leader in his compound for the final showdown...

Jagged Alliance is a turn-based tactical combat game with a mixture of strategy, reminiscent of X-Com games. On the "strategic view", you get to see the various sectors of Metavira. You start with just one sector, with a few trees for your income. You need to hold more sectors in order to increase the number of trees you hold, which will increase your income. You can hire/fire mercs.

Each merc can move or shoot or perform any of the other actions as long as they sitll have action points. Each of the mercenaries have personality. Some work well with others, others won't. You'll need shooters (both long and short guns), explosive experts (to set/disarm bombs/traps), mechanics/gunsmiths (fix/modify your equipment), doctors/nurses (to heal wounded mercs). Each merc has a different price, so you'll need to balance what you can afford vs. what you need. Manage the equipment as well.

If you move into an enemy-held sector, the game moves to combat mode, where you get an over-head slightly-isometric turn-based tactical combat that's based on "action points", which limits the amount of action each merc can perform. You can do this, or that, but not both. The action continues until the sector is no longer contested (either one side got wiped out, or retreated to another sector, or both).

After the sector is clear, you can call in native guards to "hold" the sector (you need to pay for them as well) as well as hire more natives to process the "new" trees. You will also need to get the mercs to the homebase if any one was wounded, and let the doctor/nurse treat them. Idle mercs at the base can train to improve their ratings. Some scripted events and some random events will keep you busy such as poisoned water, a virus that attacks the trees, kidnapped daughter of chief, and others.

So to summarize, you need to manage the mercs (and their salary), their equipment (who gets what), arrange for backup (mercs at base) and medical treatment (doctor/nurse) while taking into account their personalities and strengths. You also need to manage the strategic aspects as you need to "conquer" each sector and then send enough guards to hold the sector after you retrieve the mercs. You manage the money as you need to balance the expenditures (mercs, equipment, guards, natives, etc.) against the income (the trees). You also get to manage the tactical aspects of the battle as you decide each move and shot. A full complement of mercenary supplies (from revolvers to M-16s, plus bombs, grenades, mines, flak jackets, helmets, and more) are available.

Jagged Alliance 2 
Jagged Alliance 2 Windows Front Cover  Jagged Alliance 2 Windows Back Cover

 The political situation in the democratic monarchy of Arulco has gone from bad to worse. The country has been taken over through a coup d'état by Queen Deidranna Reitman, the wife of Enrico Chivaldori - rightful heir and son of late King Andreas Chivaldori. Enrico was reportedly killed in an assassination attempt during his trial for the murder of his father. Enrico however is alive and has contacted the Association of International Mercenaries (A.I.M.) to help him retake the island. Making contact with Miguel Cordoba, the head of the resistance team, A.I.M. will hire mercenaries and coordinate battle plans to control towns, organize militias in a quest to overthrow Queen Deidranna.

Jagged Alliance 2 is an isometric, third-person perspective turned-based strategy game. The role-playing elements of the game refer to (mostly) character development. The game is also able to switch between two different styles: sci-fi or realistic modes. From a new game, players will use their laptop to review information and hire mercenaries. Following that, the political map shows a satellite top-down position of the island of Arulco. From the map, equipment and funds are managed, as well as a review of enemy movement, and planning can be made to capture towns, mines and other locations. From the map, mercenaries can be deployed into a specific sector. Hostile sectors and enemy counter-attacks initiate combat mode.

The combat screen is where most of the actual gameplay occurs. Traveling in towns, exploring houses (with the purpose of stealing stuff of course!) and most importantly combat, occurs here. An encounter with an enemy team (either offensive or defensive) will prompt a battle in the area of contact. If on the offensive, players may opt to place mercenaries in favorable positions. Each team plays in turns, unless their action in interrupted by an opposing member. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes: enemy soldiers, tanks, bloodcats, and (in sci-fi mode) insect-like monsters. The team that remains alive will control the sector.

In order to recapture the island, players must engage in town militia management. A defense system must be organized for newly conquered towns to defend against enemy troops. Only loyal towns however may have its population trained into militia (indicated by a green percentage on the town via political map). A maximum of 2 mercenaries may train militia in any given town. The militia has 3 different training levels: green, regular, and veteran. The first 2 may be acquired through training, while the veteran status may only be acquired through combat.

Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash
 Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash ZX Spectrum Front Cover Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash ZX Spectrum Back Cover

Squash simulations are something of a rarity, and it was this niché that Krisalis aimed one of their many sports simulations into. The rules of squash are accurately recreated, with a realistic court layout (viewed isometrically) and a need to hit legal shots. Three different ball speeds, variable match lengths and an 'easy' mode are on offer. Different tournament types are on offer, at 'club' and 'tournament' levels, with a customisable ladder system of multiple divisions to rise up. There is a full roster of opponents to play in one-off or tournament modes. 

Jai Alai
Jai Alai MSX Front Cover  Jai Alai MSX Back Cover

 "Jai Alai" is a game based on the Basque Cesta Punta (from the Basque "zesta-punta", also called Jai Alai which roughly translates as "joyful party"), a sport original from the Basque country which is very popular in the whole Spain, but also to a lesser extent in some regions of the United States since the early XX century, the times of the European migrations, and in Mexico, Philippines and France, for example. While Jai Alai is one of the names of the game, it is also often used to refer to the gameplay zone, the court or "frontón", specially around southwest USA.

The games are disputed between two teams (composed of two players each one), on a three-walled court. The ball is sent to the front wall where it rebounds and one member of the opposite team has to catch it and send back to the front wall. The ball can rebound on the left and back wall, but there's no right wall as in other related Basque ball sports. With a scoring system somewhat similar to the one of table tennis; in it, we will be able to score if we are in possession of the serve, while in the opposite case we will only be allowed to recover it.

Jail Break

"The warden has been taken hostage. Free him, no matter what the cost."

As a policeman, the object of the game is to fire on escaped convicts who have taken the warden hostage, and in order to do this, you must make your way through downtown streets, a park, a bridge, and eventually, a prison. By rescuing hostages along the way, you can obtain a number of weapons, such as a pistol and a tear gas gun, and you can select them by using the weapons select area at the bottom of the screen. Be careful: If you shoot any hostages, you will lose whatever weapons that you have.

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