Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Mobygames (143)

Headhunter PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Headhunter PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 Welcome to the future. In the early 21st century, gang warfare and crime have lead to the creation of privatised law enforcement. The Anti-Crime Network (ACN) employs bounty hunters known as ‘Headhunters’ to track down the most wanted criminals, using combat skills and high-tech weaponry.

You are Jack Wade, an ex-cop turned Headhunter. At the beginning of the game you find yourself strapped to an operating table and manage to escape. After passing out in an alley, you awake in hospital from a coma. With your license revoked and few memories, you are hired by Angela Stern, to find her fathers murderer. Maybe you’ll even find out what happened to yourself if you can stay alive long enough…

Headhunter is an action adventure viewed from over the shoulder. In the top right of the screen you have a radar which will track your movements and those of the enemy. Jack has a few moves at his disposal. He can duck and roll, push, pull and climb objects as well as flatten himself up against a wall. Using this technique he can peek around corners for a better view of the action, and then attack from this position, using the wall as protection.

Between levels, Jack has a motorcycle that he uses to transport himself between various locations in the city according to the clues he receives. You will need to earn skill points however before you can arrive at a destination. Certain parts of the city are unavailable until you have gained the appropriate Headhunter license.

As you have no recollection of your past, you have to take a series of licenses that will grant you access to greater parts of the city, weaponry and gadgets. These are taken in a VR simulator known as the Law Enforcement Intelligence and Licence Approval (LEILA). At various times in the game you will need to go to the LEILA building and upgrade your licence by practising your combat, stealth and driving skills.

Jack will need to pass LEILA tests in order to grant him access to the equipment dispensers. He starts the game with a standard issue Stimulator Automatic, but can acquire grenades, proximity mines, neurostunners, decoy shells, shotguns and automatic weapons as he progresses. The weapons in the game fire Electric Neural Projectiles (ENP’s) instead of bullets. These cause brain death so as to preserve the internal organs of the person being shot.

Jack also uses a CASIO Visual Manager to keep in touch with Angela and his former chief at the ACN. This is a wristwatch with video capabilities and a direct link to the LEILA database.

Headhunter Redemption
Headhunter: Redemption Xbox Front Cover  Headhunter: Redemption Xbox Back Cover

 In the 21st century, a dreadful virus wiped out millions. The vaccine was found, but at the time the world was engulfed into chaos. A new world order emerged, splitting the world into two distinct yet dependent worlds: Above and Below.

The world Above reflects a chrome city, a high-rise, high-tech metropolis served by elevators and elevated freeways. A place for hardworkers and law-abiding people. On the contrary to Above, the world Below, which is the product of earthquake damages, is a subterranean network of labour colonies. Those who are not wanted Above for one reason or another are sent Below.

One day, now veteran Headhunter, Jack Wade, took a call to investigate an intrusion to the upper levels. Facing the trespasser, Jack saw a potential in the girl and instead of turning her in, he gave her a second chance... to become his apprentice. Jack is back, but this time, he's not alone but accompanied by his sidekick Leeza X. Together, they will face whatever threat lurks from the world Below.

The gameplay is set in 3rd-person view with ability to rotate camera or set it behind your back at the single click. Headhunter's main accessory is IRIS (Intelligent Realtime Information Scanner). Once you get the IRIS, you'll be able to scan every item just by pointing the gun at it, or use the scanner in 1st-person view which will let you examine the surroundings in more detail. Also, IRIS will provide you with a full 3D map info even displaying the enemies so you can avoid them or use stealth if necessary. Enemies will hear you running and shooting, so if you decide to take an action, be aware that they will surround you and launch a team strike at you from all the sides. You only effective aid against them, beside your weapon, of course, is the ability to perform a roll or lean against the walls and fire from the corners, although aiming itself may not be easy as your hand will not be steady while on the move or panicking.
Headline Harry & the Great Paper Race 
Headline Harry and The Great Paper Race DOS Front Cover   Headline Harry and The Great Paper Race DOS Back Cover

As a new reporter for Headline Harry, the editor of the US Daily Star, you must prove yourself by going out and getting the story fast and right. You are up against Marvin Muckraker and his reporters for the Diabolical Daily, a sensationalistic tabloid paper, whose stories are quite funny, as they mix the facts of various stories up into one. You go from place to place, getting leads on stories from 1950-1990.

This game can be challenging, and is good for adults as well.

Heart of Africa
Heart of Africa Commodore 64 Front Cover  Heart of Africa Commodore 64 Inside Cover Left Side 

Heart of Africa Commodore 64 Inside Cover Right Side  Heart of Africa Commodore 64 Back Cover

 In Heart of Africa, the unofficial follow-up to The Seven Cities of Gold, you play the part of an adventurer who is to continue a quest started by another explorer, Hiram Primm whose expedition has been reported missing while looking for the lost tomb of Pharaoh Ahnk Ahnk. Find the tomb and you will stand to be the sole beneficiary to Primm’s estate. The only information that you have to go by is Primm’s unpublished paper on the legend of Ahnk-Ahnk and his African diary.

The quest begins near a large port town and here you can find stores which will allow you to purchase items which are necessary like ropes and shovels. You start the quest with only $250. Use the map provided to find important landmarks and locations which the natives may name when giving you directions. The natives hold the key to your success. Not all natives behave the same to strangers. Offer them gold, copper, or other gifts to win their friendship. But be careful, not all natives see your offering as a sign of friendship. They each have their own cultures. Presenting them with the wrong gift may hinder your attempts to get needed information.

Use the joystick to move about, press the fire button when you are standing still to move control to the four icons to the left of the exploration window. Click these icons for further options. The diary icon lets you page through your diary to review the clues that you get from the native chiefs. The map icon lets you see what you have explored so far. The options icon offers three choices. Two let you check on your location and condition. The third lets you drop things off to form a cache. The hand icon lets you select what you have in your hand and it lets you use items from your backpack. If you are delirious, your joystick control will become uncertain, reversed or randomized.

Go to a pub in a port city to save your game. You can save up to 10 different games at once on a single disk. Each time that you start a new game, the location of the tomb and other valuables is subject to change.

Heart of China
Heart of China DOS Front Cover   Heart of China DOS Back Cover

 Kate, the daughter of a wealthy businessman named E.A. Lomax, is abducted by a Chinese warlord named Li Deng near Chengdu, where she was volunteering as a nurse. Lomax recruits the former World War I fighter pilot Jake "Lucky" Masters for a dangerous mission: travel to Hong-Kong, locate a mysterious ninja, and find a way to infiltrate Li Deng's fortress and rescue Kate.

Heart of China is an adventure game with a romantic theme somewhat reminiscent of films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark. The game is set during the 1930's in China as well as a few other locations. It uses a simple point-and-click system for interaction and object manipulation, and is very similar visually and gameplay-wise to Rise of the Dragon.

Some of the tasks in the game have multiple solutions, allowing the player to pursue different methods and choose different responses in branching dialogues. However, some choices may lead to the protagonist's death or bring the investigation to a dead end. There are also a few arcade sequences, which can be skipped if the player fails to complete them after several tries. The game utilizes digitized photos of live actors superimposed on hand-painted graphics.

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