Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

Mobygames (141)

Harry Potter : the Philosopher Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 Two years after versions on other platforms, the then-current consoles got their own adaptation of the first Harry Potter book and film. Like in the computer and PlayStation versions, Harry Potter's first year at school of magic Hogwarts is presented as a 3D action adventure title.

After a tutorial at Ollivander's Wand Shop and an introductory first night at Hogwarts, the game is organized into distinct days and nights. Days mostly consist of lessons, where usually Harry will learn new spells. The more interesting stuff happens at night, of course, when Harry sneaks around the castle to do things like meeting Draco Malfoy for a duel, fighting a troll in the dungeons, and other important scenes from the film and book.

Most tasks involve platform sections, where Harry has to jump over chasms and balance along edges. Often, creatures will be in the way that have to be fought using the correct spells, and magic must also be used to solve the occasional puzzle. At night, Harry must watch out for prefects patrolling the floors of the castle to avoid getting sent back to the common room. There's also broomstick flying in the game, including a Quidditch match against Slytherin.

After classes, Hogwarts can be freely explored. At any time, it is possible to revisit school lessons to get better grades, often only possible after some more advanced spells have been learned. Also, lots of collectibles can be found both in the open and hidden areas: collecting 20 wizard cards increases Harry's health and Every Flavour Beans can be traded in Fred and George's shop for more cards and some other useful items.

Harry Potter : the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PlayStation 2 Front Cover Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PlayStation 2 Back Cover 

 In this Harry Potter game, join him during his second term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A dark plot against his "Mudblood" classmates has Harry befuddled as more and more students are strangely petrified. Harry must learn new spells and cast them without mistake to uncover the secrets and solve the mysteries.

In the PC version, the 3D environments are "free-roaming" as players actually become Harry Potter and learn more about his world and personality. Conversations with the various characters and keen observation as you explore are crucial to solving the game. Interact with familiar characters from the movie: Ron, Hermoine and, of course, Gilderoy Lockhart. Additionally, there are multiple mini-games and side quests.

 Harry Potter : the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban GameCube Front Cover    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban GameCube Back Cover

 Based off the third book and movie of the series, players now take control of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in this 3D adventure as they face the dangers of their third year of Hogwarts, avoiding the soul-stealing Dementors, and trying to solve the mystery of escaped convict Sirius Black.

Players will navigate through the castle of Hogwarts and beyond, as they learn new spells and how to work together as a team, solving multiple puzzles and avoiding traps that will either require teamwork, or one of the kid's particular skills. Harry can leap across chasms and climb ropes. Ron can sense secret areas. Hermione, being the smallest, can fit into areas where the others can't. Players can also control Hedwig the owl, or Buckbeak the hippogriff to accomplish other tasks and overcome obstacles.

Survive the year, learn new spells, and discover the truth of Sirius Black's role during the night Harry became known as "The Boy Who Lived".
 Harry Potter : the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PlayStation 2 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PlayStation 2 Back Cover

 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an action adventure game which follows the story of the fourth movie and book of the same name. In addition to the usual challenges and dangers that Harry, Ron, and Hermione need to face, the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts and mysteriously Harry is in the tournament!

One to three players control Harry, Ron, and Hermione (the computer controls the remaining characters for one and two player games). Played with a third person view, you will need to complete numerous game levels which feature a variety of action and puzzle solving as well as completing the three tasks in the Triwizard Tournament and facing Lord Voldemort. Each character has magic spells that can be used to help out, and additional spells can be learned as you make your way through the game. Occasionally all three characters will need to work together to complete a task, such as moving a particularly large object or defeating a tough opponent. During the game you will come across Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans; collecting these can help out by restoring stamina or magic powers. Additionally at the end of each level the Beans can be used to purchase collector cards; these are used to increase a characters abilities.

 Harry Potter : the Order of Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PlayStation 3 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PlayStation 3 Back Cover

 Based off the fifth book and movie of the series, players take control of Harry Potter in this 3D adventure as he faces the dangers of his fifth year of Hogwarts, avoiding the malicious Professor Dolores Umbridge, builds Dumbledore's Army, and faces off with Voldemort himself as the prophecy continues to unfold.

Players will navigate through the castle of Hogwarts and beyond, learning fifth year spells, solving multiple puzzles, avoiding traps, and even get a chance to play as the Weasley brothers, Sirius Black and Dumbledore himself.

All versions are the same with the exception of the Wii. Players can use the Wiimote as Harry's wand to cast spells, allowing a new level of control never before possible in a Harry Potter game.

Survive the year, learn new spells, and survive one of the darkest battles in Harry's life as he faces his first real battle against Voldemort, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"!

 Harry Potter : the Half Blood Prince 

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Xbox 360 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Xbox 360 Back Cover

 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is based on the movie of the same name. The player takes the role of Harry Potter who has to fight against Lord Voldemort and his minions.

The game is not completely linear - between the chapters Harry can explore the school at his own leisure. If the player does not want to walk and search around, they have two ways to cut a corner: portraits, which are unlocked during the course of the game, can be used to teleport instantly to another place. Harry can also call a ghost which shows him the fastest way to the next mission. Exploration has mostly one goal: finding the 150 (more or less) hidden crests which unlock achievements and trophies. Because Harry lost his ability to jump and climb, he has to use spells to reach them.

Mini Games
The player will spend most of his time in three mini games: magic duels, brewing potions, and quidditch. The duels are used to learn new spells respectively improve the already known. Harry basically faces other magicians and uses his spells to defeat them, e.g. by paralyzing them or by parrying their spells. To perform a spell the player has to use his input device to recreate a certain movement.

Quidditch is a reaction test. Harry's broom flies automatically and the player can only slightly move it to fly through rings or avoid obstacles. While brewing potions Harry faces a bowl, ingredients and a time limit. Now he simply needs to recreate the receipt by using the ingredients in the correct on the bowl. Sometimes he needs to heat up the bowl or stir the brew up with his input device. If he makes a mistake there is smoke which costs time.

 Harry Potter : the Deathly Hallows (I)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 PlayStation 3 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 PlayStation 3 Back Cover

 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 is an adaption of the movie of the same name. The player takes the role of Harry Potter on his quest to find the Horcruxes; the source of the villain's immortality. In contrast to the former games based on the franchise this is a third person shooter. The levels portrait key moments from the movie.

But of course Harry does not use real weapons; he relies on his magic wand to mow down the enemy hordes. He has different magic spells to his disposal; both offensive and defensive. The offensive spells are similar to regular weapon, e.g. expulso acts like a MG and stupor like a gun, and the defensive ones are used to turn enemies against each other or create cover. The latter can be useful because the game features a classical cover system where Harry can duck behind to regenerate his health. With him are his AI allies Hermione and Ron which fight on their own. New or upgraded spells are earned after level ups.

In addition to the shooter sections there are first-person stealth missions in which Harry needs to avoid detection. For this purpose he uses a invisibility cloak which has only limited power - if it runs out Harry is out in the open. It is recharged by standing still. Between the main missions the player has to solve other quests in any order. Those have nothing to with the movie plot.

The challenge mode is unconnected to the campaign and includes missions like killing as many foes as possible in a limited time.

 Harry Potter : the Deathly Hallows (II)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 PlayStation 3 Front Cover  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 PlayStation 3 Back Cover

 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is the final game in the series of Harry Potter movie adaptations. It closely follows the plot of the movie of the same name. Harry and his friends will have to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes and then face Lord Voldemort for the ultimate battle.

The game is a single-player third person shooter, with magic spells substituting weapons. The game resembles its predecessor in most aspects, but the stealth sections from the previous game are omitted. The cover system has been tweaked. In different levels the player controls various characters from Harry Potter movies including Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Professor McGonagall and others.

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