World Heroes
An alien entity known as Geegus threatens the Earth in the year 3091. As all of Earth's forces have been defeated, a scientist uses his recently-built time machine to find the greatest fighters of different eras to compete against Geegus.
World Heroes is a versus fighting game. It features a cast of characters from different countries and time periods, ranging from ninjas to a cybernetic super-soldier. The characters are based on real historical figures, but are endowed with supernatural powers. The player selects a character who then fights his way through standard one-on-one matches or takes on an opponent in a Deathmatch, where spiked walls and landmines add to the danger.
World Heroes is a versus fighting game. It features a cast of characters from different countries and time periods, ranging from ninjas to a cybernetic super-soldier. The characters are based on real historical figures, but are endowed with supernatural powers. The player selects a character who then fights his way through standard one-on-one matches or takes on an opponent in a Deathmatch, where spiked walls and landmines add to the danger.
World Heroes 2
The time-traveling tournament fighters are back! The original eight characters from the previous game return, along with six new characters hand-picked from several different eras and locations all through time. Who or what is behind this new tournament? In order to find that out, the strongest fighter must defeat all the opponents, win the title, and face the one who has all the answers.
The second World Heroes game features new stages and music, as well as improved animation and graphics. Fighters can now reflect projectile moves at their opponents, and reverse normal throws if the player's timing is right. The original game's Death Match mode is also back, but with a new feature - the life bar will increase or decrease as the fighter inflicts or receives damage. If the player manages to get his fighter's life bar to 100%, the enemy will lose.
The second World Heroes game features new stages and music, as well as improved animation and graphics. Fighters can now reflect projectile moves at their opponents, and reverse normal throws if the player's timing is right. The original game's Death Match mode is also back, but with a new feature - the life bar will increase or decrease as the fighter inflicts or receives damage. If the player manages to get his fighter's life bar to 100%, the enemy will lose.
World Heroes 2 Jet
World Heroes 2 JET is the third game in the World Heroes series. A third tournament featuring warriors from all over the world (and different periods in time) has begun, and it's up to you to fight to the finish to find out who is organizing it.
The game is an upgrade / fine-tuning of World Heroes 2, and contains many new features:
The game is an upgrade / fine-tuning of World Heroes 2, and contains many new features:
- Two new fighters, Jack and Ryofu, have been added to the game
- Two all-new fighting modes have been added: "Entry to the Tournament" (story mode), and "The Forging of Warriors"
- You can now dash towards or away from your opponent
- If you and your enemy hit each other with an attack that has the same power, you'll freeze for a moment and push each other away
- All new stages and music have also been included.
World Heroes Perfect
In this entry in the World Heroes saga, all sixteen fighters from previous games return for another tournament. New features include:
- An attack mode where the player must use all four buttons to attack the opponent.
- A power bar which grants special abilities unique to each character.
- Additional stages set across different locations in Earth's past and future.
- Three secret characters to choose from, including a character new to the series.
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